Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 ** File:      dsPid33.c
00003 */                                  
00004  unsigned char  Ver[] = "dsPid33 2.2.6 Guiott 12-11"; // 26+1 char
00039 #include "dsPID33_definitions.h"
00040 #include "DEE Emulation 16-bit.h"
00042 int main (void)
00043 {
00044 Settings();
00046 //[1]
00047 LED1 = 1; 
00048 LED2 = 0;
00049 // MOTOR_ENABLE1 = 0;
00050 // MOTOR_ENABLE2 = 0;
00052 Tmr2OvflwCount1=0;
00053 Tmr2OvflwCount2=0;
00054 IC1_FIRST = 0;
00055 IC2_FIRST = 0;
00056 RAMP_FLAG1 = 0;
00057 RAMP_FLAG2 = 0;
00058 PID_REF1 = 0;
00059 PID_REF2 = 0;
00060 VelDecr = 1;
00062 // to start first and second slower cycles over 1ms cycle
00063 Cycle1 = 0;
00064 Cycle2 = 0;
00065 CYCLE1_FLAG = 0;
00066 CYCLE2_FLAG = 0;
00069 MAP_SEND_FLAG=0;
00071 /*Delay needed to ensure the program memory is not modified before 
00072   verification in programming procedure
00073         http://forum.microchip.com/tm.aspx?m=326442 */
00074 DelayN1ms(30);
00076 DataEEInit();   // Initialize flash memory writing [33]
00077 dataEEFlags.val = 0;
00079 BlinkPeriod = NORM_BLINK_PER;   // LED1 blinking period (ms)
00080 BlinkOn     = NORM_BLINK_ON;    // LED1 on time (ms)
00082 ConstantsRead();        // get stored constant values from FLASH
00084 InitPid1();
00085 InitPid2();
00087 ANGLE_PID_DES=0;
00088 InitAnglePid();
00090 DIST_PID_DES=0;
00091 InitDistPid();
00094 CONSOLE_DEBUG = 0;
00096 ADC_CALC_FLAG = 0;
00097 IdleSample = 0;
00098 IdleCount = 0;
00100 DIST_OK_FLAG  = 1;      // to kick start the scheduler sequence
00102 SchedPtr = 0;           // [32]
00104 RT_TIMER_FLAG = 0;      // disable real time timer
00105 UsartSetting();         // initialize Usart1
00106 Usart2Setting();        // initialize Usart2
00107 TxContFlag = 0;         
00109 ResetCount = 0;
00111 ISR_Settings(); // Configures and enables ISRs  
00113 // Send string 'Ver'
00114 for (i=0; i<26; i++)
00115 {
00116         UartTxBuff[i]=Ver[i]; 
00117 }
00118 DMA6CNT = 25;                   // # of DMA requests
00119 DMA6CONbits.CHEN  = 1;  // Re-enable DMA Channel
00120 DMA6REQbits.FORCE = 1;  // Manual mode: Kick-start the first transfer   
00122 MAP_BUFF_FLAG=1;
00125 /*===========================================================================*/
00126 /* Main loop                                                                 */
00127 /*===========================================================================*/
00129 while (1)       // start of idle cycle [25a]
00130 {
00133 /* ----------------------------------------- one character coming from UART1 */ 
00134 if (UartRxPtrIn != UartRxPtrOut) UartRx();      // [6d]
00136 /* ----------------------------------------- one character coming from UART2 */ 
00137 if (Uart2RxPtrIn != Uart2RxPtrOut) Uart2Rx();   // [6zd]
00139 /* ------------------------ a command is coming from serial interface 1 or 2 */  
00140 if ((UartRxStatus == 99) || (Uart2RxStatus == 99)) Parser();
00142 /* ------------------------------------- PID and speed calculation every 1ms */ 
00143 if (PID1_CALC_FLAG)     Pid1();
00144 if (PID2_CALC_FLAG)     Pid2();
00146 /* ----------------------------------------- DeadReckonig field mapping [22] */  
00147 if (CYCLE1_FLAG) DeadReckoning();
00149 /* ---------------------------------------------------- Orientation PID [23] */  
00150 if (ORIENTATION_FLAG) Orientation();
00152 /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Distance [24] */ 
00153 if (CYCLE2_FLAG) Navigation();
00155 /*-- continuos parameters transmission without request (just for debug) [31] */         
00156 if (TxContFlag && UartContTxTimer<=0) TxCont(); 
00158 /*----------------------------------------- ADC value average calculus  [2a] */         
00159 if (ADC_CALC_FLAG) AdcCalc();
00161 /*---------------------------------------------------------- Real time timer */         
00162 if (RT_TIMER_FLAG) 
00163 {
00164         if (RtTimer <= 0) 
00165         {
00166                 TIMER_OK_FLAG = 1;
00167                 RT_TIMER_FLAG = 0;
00168         }
00169 }
00171 /*-------------------------------------------------- Actions scheduler  [32] */
00172 if (SCHEDULER_FLAG)     // [32a]        
00173 {       
00174         if (ANGLE_OK_FLAG || DIST_OK_FLAG || TIMER_OK_FLAG) Scheduler();
00175 }
00177 /*-------------------------------------------------- To send map to console */
00178 if (MAP_SEND_FLAG)
00179 {
00180         if (Vel[R]==0 && Vel[L]==0)
00181         {
00182                 SendMap();
00183         }
00184 }
00186 /*--------------------------------------------------- Heartbeat led linking */
00187 if (Blink == BlinkOn)
00188 {
00189         LED1 = 0;
00190         LED2 = 1;
00191         Blink ++;       
00192 }
00194 if (Blink >= BlinkPeriod)
00195 {
00196         LED1 = 1;
00197         LED2 = 0;
00198         Blink = 0;
00199 }
00201 /*------------------------------------------- Idle percentage calculus  [25] */         
00202 IdleCount ++;   // [25]
00203 if (IdleSample >= IDLE_CYCLE)
00204 {
00205         IdlePerc=(long)(IdleCount * IDLE_TIME_PERIOD) / (long)(IDLE_SAMPLE_TIME);
00206         IdleCount = 0;
00207         IdleSample = 0;
00208 }
00210 Nop();  // end of idle cycle [25a]
00212 }/*....Main loop*/
00214 }/*.....................................................................Main */
00217 /*===========================================================================*/
00218 /* Functions                                                                 */
00219 /*===========================================================================*/
00221 void SendMap(void)
00222 {// send one row of grid map to console
00223         int TmpMap;
00225         if(MAP_BUFF_FLAG)
00226         {// DMA have sent the whole buffer
00227                 MAP_BUFF_FLAG=0; // will be set again by DMA ISR
00229                 UartTmpBuff[0][SendMapPort]=MapSendIndx;        
00230                 // starting points for X and Y coordinates
00231                 TmpMap = Xshift;
00232                 UartTmpBuff[1][SendMapPort]=TmpMap>>8; 
00233                 UartTmpBuff[2][SendMapPort]=TmpMap;
00234                 TmpMap = Yshift;
00235                 UartTmpBuff[3][SendMapPort]=TmpMap>>8; 
00236                 UartTmpBuff[4][SendMapPort]=TmpMap;
00238                 for (i=0; i<X_SIZE; i++)
00239                 {// put in buffer both nib0 and nib1 for that X coordinate
00240                         UartTmpBuff[i+5][SendMapPort]=MapXY[i][MapSendIndx].UC;
00241                 }
00243                 TxParameters('$', X_SIZE+6, SendMapPort); 
00244                 MAP_SEND_FLAG=0;
00245         }
00246 }
00248 void ThetaDesF(float Angle)
00249 {
00252         ThetaDes = Angle;
00253         ThetaDesRef = ThetaDes;
00254         PIDInit(&AnglePIDstruct); 
00255 }
00257 void Parser (void)
00258 {
00261         int ParserCount;                // parser index
00262         int C1;                                 // generic counter
00263         int C2;
00264         int C3;
00265         int TmpChk;
00267         unsigned int Ktmp;              // temp for PID coefficients
00268         int Ptmp;                               // temp for position values
00269         int CurrTmp;                    // temp for motors current value
00270         int Alpha;                              // rotation angle in degrees
00271         long Tmp1Long;                  // temp to combine long 
00272         long Tmp2Long;
00274         const float AngleS = 0.785398163;  // 45� angle for object on side
00276         if (UartRxStatus == 99) // the command come from UART1
00277         {
00278                 TmpPtr = UartRxPtrData; // last data of header
00279                 UartRxStatus = 0;
00280                 Port=0;
00281         }
00282         else                                    // the command come from UART2
00283         {
00284                 TmpPtr2 = Uart2RxPtrData; // last data of header
00285                 Uart2RxStatus = 0;
00286                 Port=1;
00287         }
00290         if (UartRxCmd[ResetPort] != '*')        // [28]
00291         {
00292                 ResetCount = 0;
00293         }
00295         switch (UartRxCmd[Port])
00296         {
00297 // --- Navigation values read                   
00298                 case 'A':               // all parameters request (mean)
00299                         // VelMes = Int -> 2 byte (mm/s)
00300 //                      Ptmp = (VelMes[R] + VelMes[L]) >> 1;    // average speed
00301                         VelInt[R]=(long)(Vel[R] * 1000)>>15;            // VelR
00302                         VelInt[L]=(long)(Vel[L] * 1000)>>15;            // VelL
00303                         Ptmp = (VelInt[R] + VelInt[L]) >> 1;    // average speed
00304                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00305                         {
00306                                 Ptmp = VelDesM;
00307                                 ADCValue[R]=abs(VelDesM);
00308                                 ADCValue[L]=abs(VelDesM);
00309                                 ThetaMes=ThetaDes;
00310                         }
00311                         UartTmpBuff[0][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00312                         UartTmpBuff[1][Port]=Ptmp;
00313                         // Curr = int -> 2byte (mA)
00314                         CurrTmp = ADCValue[R]+ADCValue[L];              // total current
00315                         UartTmpBuff[2][Port]=CurrTmp>>8;
00316                         UartTmpBuff[3][Port]=CurrTmp;
00317                         // PosXmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
00318                         Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosXmes);                              // PosX
00319                         UartTmpBuff[4][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00320                         UartTmpBuff[5][Port]=Ptmp;
00321                         // PosYmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
00322                         Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosYmes);                              // PosY
00323                         UartTmpBuff[6][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00324                         UartTmpBuff[7][Port]=Ptmp;
00325                         // ThetaMes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (degrees)
00326                         Ptmp = ThetaMes * RAD2DEG;                              // Theta
00327                         Alpha = FLOAT2INT(Ptmp);
00328                         UartTmpBuff[8][Port]=Alpha>>8; 
00329                         UartTmpBuff[9][Port]=Alpha;
00330                         // angle reading from sensors board compass (deg * 10)
00331                         UartTmpBuff[10][Port]=AngleCmp>>8; 
00332                         UartTmpBuff[11][Port]=AngleCmp;
00333                         // idle time in %
00334                         UartTmpBuff[12][Port]=IdlePerc;
00336                         TxParameters('A',13, Port);  
00337                 break;
00339                 case 'a':               // all parameters request (details)
00340                         // VelInt = Int -> 2 byte
00341                         VelInt[R]=(long)(Vel[R] * 1000)>>15;            // VelL
00342                         VelInt[L]=(long)(Vel[L] * 1000)>>15;            // VelL
00343                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00344                         {
00345                                 VelInt[R]= VelDesM;
00346                                 VelInt[L]= VelDesM;
00347                                 ADCValue[R]=abs(VelDesM);
00348                                 ADCValue[L]=abs(VelDesM);
00349                                 ThetaMes=ThetaDes;
00350                         }
00351                         UartTmpBuff[0][Port]=VelInt[R]>>8; 
00352                         UartTmpBuff[1][Port]=VelInt[R];
00353                         UartTmpBuff[2][Port]=VelInt[L]>>8; 
00354                         UartTmpBuff[3][Port]=VelInt[L];
00355                         // ADCValue = int -> 2byte
00356                         UartTmpBuff[4][Port]=ADCValue[R]>>8;    // CurrR
00357                         UartTmpBuff[5][Port]=ADCValue[R];
00358                         UartTmpBuff[6][Port]=ADCValue[L]>>8;    // CurrL
00359                         UartTmpBuff[7][Port]=ADCValue[L];
00360                         // Space = int -> 2byte
00361                         UartTmpBuff[8][Port]=SpTick[R]>>8;              // SpTickR
00362                         UartTmpBuff[9][Port]=SpTick[R];
00363                         SpTick[R] = 0; // [19]
00364                         UartTmpBuff[10][Port]=SpTick[L]>>8;             // SpTickL
00365                         UartTmpBuff[11][Port]=SpTick[L];
00366                         SpTick[L] = 0; // [19]
00367                         TxParameters('a',12, Port);  
00368                 break;
00371 //--- Navigation parameters settings
00372                 case 'D':               // setting reference coord. X, Y computing distance
00373                                                 // [24] Mode C
00374                         // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00375                         Ptmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00376                                    (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]); // Dist
00377                         PosXdes = PosXmes + (Ptmp * sin(ThetaDes));
00378                         PosYdes = PosYmes + (Ptmp * cos(ThetaDes));
00379                         DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 1;   // enable distance computing [24a]
00380                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00381                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00382                         {
00383                                 PosXmes=PosXdes;
00384                                 PosYmes=PosYdes;
00385                         }
00386                 break;
00388                 case 'O':               // setting ref. orientation angle in degrees (absolute)
00389                                                 // [24] Mode A
00390                         // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00391                         Ptmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00392                                    (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00393                         ThetaDesF(Ptmp * DEG2RAD);
00394                         DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 0;   // disable distance computing [24a]
00395                         VelDecr = 1;                    // [24d]
00396                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00397                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00398                         {
00399                                 ThetaMes=ThetaDes;
00400                         }
00401                 break;
00403                 case 'o':               // setting reference orientation angle in degrees
00404                                                 // as a delta of the current orientation (relative) 
00405                                                 // [24] Mode A
00406                         // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00407                         Ptmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00408                                    (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00409                         ThetaDesF( ThetaDes + (Ptmp * DEG2RAD));
00410                         DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 0;   // disable distance computing [24a]
00411                         VelDecr = 1;                    // [24d]
00412                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00413                 break;
00415                 case 'P':               // setting reference coord. X, Y in mm
00416                                                 // [24] Mode B
00417                         // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00418                         PosXdes = (float)((UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00419                                                         (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]));
00420                         PosYdes = (float)((UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00421                                                         (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]));
00422                         DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 1;   // enable distance computing [24a]
00423                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00424                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00425                         {
00426                                 PosXmes=PosXdes;
00427                                 PosYmes=PosYdes;
00428                         }
00429                 break;
00431                 case 'S':               // setting reference speed (as mm/s) 
00432                         // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00433                         VelDesM = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00434                                           (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00435                         if (VelDesM >  999) VelDesM =  999; // range check
00436                         if (VelDesM < -999) VelDesM = -999; // range check
00437                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00438                 break;
00440                 case 'H':       // immediate Halt without decelerating ramp.In this way it 
00441                                         // uses the brake effect of H bridge in LAP mode
00442                         VelDesM = 0; 
00443                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00444                         if (CONSOLE_DEBUG) //[30]
00445                         {
00446                                 VelMes[R]=0;
00447                                 VelMes[L]=0;
00448                                 ADCValue[R]=0;
00449                                 ADCValue[L]=0;
00450                         }
00451                 break;
00454 //--- Constant parameters setting               
00455                 case 'J':               // setting PID coefficients for DistPid
00456                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00457                         for (ParserCount=0; ParserCount < 5; ParserCount+=2)
00458                         {
00459                                 // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00460                                 Ktmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00461                                            (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00462                                 if (Ktmp > 9999) Ktmp = 9999; // range check
00463                                 TmpChk+=Ktmp;
00464                                 DataEEWrite(Ktmp,EE_DIST_KP+ParserCount/2);                     
00465                                 DistKCoeffs[ParserCount/2] = Q15((float)(Ktmp)/10000);
00466                         }
00467                         InitDistPid();
00468                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_DIST);
00469                 break;
00471                 case 'K':               // setting PID coefficients for Speed PIDs
00472                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00473                         for (ParserCount=0; ParserCount < 5; ParserCount+=2)
00474                         {
00475                                 // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00476                                 Ktmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00477                                            (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00478                                 if (Ktmp > 9999) Ktmp = 9999; // range check
00479                                 TmpChk+=Ktmp;
00480                                 DataEEWrite(Ktmp,EE_KP1+ParserCount/2);
00481                                 kCoeffs1[ParserCount/2] = Q15((float)(Ktmp)/10000);
00482                         }
00483                         InitPid1();
00485                         for (ParserCount=0; ParserCount < 5; ParserCount+=2)
00486                         {
00487                                 // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00488                                 Ktmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00489                                            (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00490                                 if (Ktmp > 9999) Ktmp = 9999; // range check
00491                                 TmpChk+=Ktmp;
00492                                 DataEEWrite(Ktmp,EE_KP2+ParserCount/2);
00493                                 kCoeffs2[ParserCount/2] = Q15((float)(Ktmp)/10000);
00494                         }
00495                         InitPid2();
00496                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_SPEED);
00497                 break;
00499                 case 'k':               // settings PID coefficients for AnglePid
00500                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00501                         for (ParserCount=0; ParserCount < 5; ParserCount+=2)
00502                         {
00503                                 // High Byte * 256 + Low Byte
00504                                 Ktmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00505                                            (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00506                                 if (Ktmp > 9999) Ktmp = 9999; // range check
00507                                 TmpChk+=Ktmp;
00508                                 DataEEWrite(Ktmp,EE_ANGLE_KP+ParserCount/2);
00509                                 AngleKCoeffs[ParserCount/2] = Q15((float)(Ktmp)/10000);
00510                         }
00511                         InitAnglePid();
00512                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_ANGLE);
00513                 break;
00515                 case 'L':               // Kvel         
00516                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00517                         Tmp1Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00518                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00519                         TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
00520                         DataEEWrite(Tmp1Long,EE_KVEL1_H);
00521                         Tmp2Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00522                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00523                         TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
00524                         DataEEWrite(Tmp2Long,EE_KVEL1_L);
00525                         Kvel[R] = (Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long;
00527                         Tmp1Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00528                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00529                         TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
00530                         DataEEWrite(Tmp1Long,EE_KVEL2_H);
00531                         Tmp2Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00532                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00533                         TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
00534                         DataEEWrite(Tmp2Long,EE_KVEL2_L);
00535                         Kvel[L] = (Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long;
00536                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_KVEL);
00537                 break;
00539                 case 'M':               // Mechanical costants: Axle size, KspR, KspL [29]
00540                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00541                         Tmp1Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00542                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00543                         TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
00544                         DataEEWrite(Tmp1Long,EE_AXLE_H);
00545                         Tmp2Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00546                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00547                         TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
00548                         DataEEWrite(Tmp2Long,EE_AXLE_L);
00549                         Axle =    (float)((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long)/(float)(10000);
00552                         Tmp1Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00553                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00554                         TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
00555                         DataEEWrite(Tmp1Long,EE_KSP1_H);
00556                         Tmp2Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00557                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00558                         TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
00559                         DataEEWrite(Tmp2Long,EE_KSP1_L);
00560                         Ksp[0] =  (float)((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long)/(float)(1000000000);
00562                         Tmp1Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00563                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00564                         TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
00565                         DataEEWrite(Tmp1Long,EE_KSP2_H);
00566                         Tmp2Long = ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) +
00567                                            ((long)UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00568                         TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
00569                         DataEEWrite(Tmp2Long,EE_KSP2_L);
00570                         Ksp[1] =  (float)((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long)/(float)(1000000000);
00571                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_MECH);
00572                 break;
00574                 case 's':               // Scheduler parameters setting [32]    
00575                         TmpChk=0;       // checksum to control permanent storage
00576                         VelDesM = 0;
00577                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00578                         C3 = EE_SCHED;  // starting address for permanent storage
00579                         for (C1=0; C1<16; C1++)
00580                         {
00581                                 for (C2=0; C2<4; C2++)
00582                                 {
00583                                         SchedValues[C1][C2]=(UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00584                                                                                 (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00585                                         TmpChk+=SchedValues[C1][C2];
00586                                         DataEEWrite(SchedValues[C1][C2],C3);
00587                                         C3 ++;
00588                                 }
00589                         }
00590                         DataEEWrite(TmpChk,EE_CHK_SCHED);
00591                 break;
00593 //--- Service
00594                 case '*':               // Board reset [28]
00595                 if (ResetCount < 3)
00596                         {
00597                                 ResetCount ++;
00598                                 ResetPort = Port;
00599                         }
00600                         else
00601                         {
00602                                 SET_CPU_IPL( 7 ); // disable all user interrupts
00603                                 DelayN1ms(200);
00604                                 asm("RESET");
00605                         }
00606                 break;
00608                 case 'R':               // Firmware version request
00609                         // Send string 'Ver'
00610                         for (i=0; i<27; i++)
00611                         {
00612                                 UartTmpBuff[i][Port]=Ver[i]; 
00613                         }
00614                         TxParameters('R',26, Port);
00615                 break;
00617                 case 'c':               // Continuos send mode
00618                         // sends all data without request.
00619                         //      0=OFF 
00620                         //      1=send mean parameters
00621                         //      2=send detailed parameters
00622                         TxContFlag = UartRxBuff[RX_HEADER_LEN + 1][Port];
00623                         UartContTxTimer=UART_CONT_TIMEOUT;      // timer reset
00624                 break;
00626                 case 'z':               // send back a text string, just for debug
00627                         // Send string 'Test'
00628                         for (i=0; i<27; i++)
00629                         {
00630                                 UartTmpBuff[i][Port]=Test[i]; 
00631                         }
00632                         TxParameters('z',24, Port);
00633                 break;
00635                 case 'e':               // Read error code and reset error condition
00636                         // Send error value
00637                         BlinkPeriod = NORM_BLINK_PER;// LED1 blinking period (ms)
00638                         BlinkOn     = NORM_BLINK_ON; // LED1 on time (ms)
00639                         Blink = 0;
00640                         UartTmpBuff[0][Port]=ErrCode>>8; 
00641                         UartTmpBuff[1][Port]=ErrCode;
00642                         TxParameters('e',2, Port);  
00643                 break;
00645                 case 'f':               // set "Console Debug" mode [30]
00646                         CONSOLE_DEBUG = UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port];
00647                 break;
00649                 case '#':               // start scheduler sequence
00650                         DIST_OK_FLAG  = 1;      // to kick start the scheduler sequence
00651                         SchedPtr = 0;           // [32]
00652                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 1;     // [32a]
00653                 break;
00656                 case '$':               // all map grid sending request
00657                         // disable any other procedure pending
00658                         DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 0;   // disable distance computing [24a]
00659                         VelDecr = 1;                    // [24d]
00660                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;             // [32a]
00661                         VelDesM = 0;
00663                         SendMapPort = Port;     // to temporay store port number for delayed TX
00664                         MAP_SEND_FLAG=1;
00666                         // index of row requested by console in 0 to Y_size range
00667                         MapSendIndx = UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port];      
00668                 break;
00670 //--- Sensors
00671                 case 'd':// Distance from objects, target and compass readings
00672                         // Obj = unsigned int -> 2 byte (mm)
00673                         Obj[0] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port])*10; // Left object
00674                         Obj[1] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port])*10; // Center object
00675                         Obj[2] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port])*10; // Right object
00676                         // Target = unsigned char -> 1 byte
00677                         Target[0] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]); // Left target
00678                         Target[1] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]); // Center target
00679                         Target[2] = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]); // Right target
00680                         // Compass Bearing = int -> 2 byte (deg*10)
00681                         AngleCmp = (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port] << 8) + 
00682                                            (UartRxBuff[IncrCircPtr(Port)][Port]);
00683                         // [24g] relative position of obstacles.
00684                         if (Obj[0] < OBST_THRESHOLD) // from object on the left
00685                         {
00686                                 VObX[0] = Obj[0] * sin(ThetaMes-AngleS);
00687                                 VObY[0] = Obj[0] * cos(ThetaMes-AngleS);
00688                                 // mark obstacle in the cell
00689                                 Slam(PosXmes + VObX[0], PosYmes + VObY[0], 1); 
00690                         }
00692                         if (Obj[1] < OBST_THRESHOLD) // from object on the center
00693                         {
00694                                 VObX[1] = Obj[1] * sin(ThetaMes);
00695                                 VObY[1] = Obj[1] * cos(ThetaMes);
00696                                 // mark obstacle in the cell
00697                                 Slam(PosXmes + VObX[1], PosYmes + VObY[1], 1); 
00698                         }
00700                         if (Obj[2] < OBST_THRESHOLD) // from object on the right
00701                         {
00702                                 VObX[2] = Obj[2] * sin(ThetaMes+AngleS);
00703                                 VObY[2] = Obj[2] * cos(ThetaMes+AngleS);
00704                                 // mark obstacle in the cell
00705                                 Slam(PosXmes + VObX[2], PosYmes + VObY[2], 1); 
00706                         }
00707                 break;
00709                 case 'Q':// Raw sensors data, dsNav -> console
00710                         // PosXmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
00711                         Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosXmes);                              // PosX
00712                         UartTmpBuff[0][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00713                         UartTmpBuff[1][Port]=Ptmp;
00714                         // PosYmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
00715                         Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosYmes);                              // PosY
00716                         UartTmpBuff[2][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00717                         UartTmpBuff[3][Port]=Ptmp;
00718                         // ThetaMes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (degrees)
00719                         Ptmp = ThetaMes * RAD2DEG;                              // Theta
00720                         Alpha = FLOAT2INT(Ptmp);
00721                         UartTmpBuff[4][Port]=Alpha>>8; 
00722                         UartTmpBuff[5][Port]=Alpha;
00723                         // VObX rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (cm)
00724                         for(i=0; i<3; i++) // Buffer index from 6 to 17
00725                         {
00726                                 Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(VObX[i]/10);   // Obj X coord in cm
00727                                 UartTmpBuff[6+(i*4)][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00728                                 UartTmpBuff[7+(i*4)][Port]=Ptmp;
00729                                 Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(VObY[i]/10);   // Obj Y coord in cm
00730                                 UartTmpBuff[8+(i*4)][Port]=Ptmp>>8; 
00731                                 UartTmpBuff[9+(i*4)][Port]=Ptmp;
00732                         }
00734                         TxParameters('Q',18, Port);  
00735                 break;
00737                 default:
00738                         UartRxError(-7,Port); //        error: not a known command
00739                 break;
00740         }
00741 }
00743 void Scheduler(void)    // [32]
00744 {
00745         unsigned char SchedCode= 0;     // action to execute
00746         float DPosX;    // delta PosX
00747         float DPosY;    // delta PosY
00749         ANGLE_OK_FLAG = 0;
00750         DIST_OK_FLAG  = 0;
00751         TIMER_OK_FLAG = 0;
00752         SCHED_ANGLE_FLAG = 0;
00753         SCHED_DIST_FLAG = 0;
00755         /*      
00756          Units 
00757           code  
00758           Angle(deg)    
00759           Speed(mm/s)   
00760           X(mm) 
00761           Y(mm) 
00762           D(mm) 
00763           Delay(n x 50ms)
00765           Meaning of parameters
00766                 code    1               2               3
00767                 0               
00768                 1               V
00769                 2               V(2)    D
00770                 3               V(2)    Theta   
00771                 4               V(2)    X               Y
00772                 5               V(2)    X               Y
00773                 6               Delay
00774         */
00776         SchedCode = SchedValues[SchedPtr][0];
00777         switch (SchedCode)
00778                 {     
00779                         case 0: // stop end of sequence
00780                         VelDesM = 0;
00781                         SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00782                         break;
00784                         case 1: // keep previous angle - set speed
00785                         VelDesM =  SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];
00786                         RT_TIMER_FLAG = 1;
00787                                 RtTimer = 2;    // wait 100ms for next step
00788                         break;
00790                         case 2: // keep angle and speed(2)      -       set distance
00791                                 if (SchedValues[SchedPtr][1] != 0xFFFF)
00792                                 {
00793                                         VelDesM =  SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];
00794                                 }
00795                                 PosXdes=PosXmes+(SchedValues[SchedPtr][2]*sin(ThetaDes));
00796                                 PosYdes=PosYmes+(SchedValues[SchedPtr][2]*cos(ThetaDes));
00797                                 SCHED_DIST_FLAG = 1;    // wait for target distance
00798                                 DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 1;   // enable distance computing [24a]
00799                         break;
00801                         case 3: // keep speed(2) - set angle
00802                         SCHED_ANGLE_FLAG = 1;   // wait for target angle
00803                                 if (SchedValues[SchedPtr][1] != 0xFFFF)
00804                                 {
00805                                         VelDesM =  SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];
00806                                 }
00807                                 ThetaDesF(SchedValues[SchedPtr][2] * DEG2RAD);
00808                                 DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 0;   // disable distance computing [24a]
00809                                 VelDecr = 1;                    // [24d]
00810                         break;
00812                         case 4: // keep speed(2) - set angle toward X, Y
00813                         SCHED_ANGLE_FLAG = 1;   // wait for target angle
00814                                 if (SchedValues[SchedPtr][1] != 0xFFFF)
00815                                 {
00816                                         VelDesM =  SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];
00817                                 }
00818                                 DPosX=(float)(SchedValues[SchedPtr][2])-PosXmes;//delta on X
00819                                 DPosY=(float)(SchedValues[SchedPtr][3])-PosYmes;//delta on Y
00820 //                              if ((DPosX != 0) && (DPosY != 0))
00821                                 ThetaDesF(atan2f(DPosX,DPosY));//Tan(ThetaDes)=Sin/Cos=X/Y
00822                         break;
00824                         case 5: // keep speed(2) - walk toward X, Y
00825                                 if (SchedValues[SchedPtr][1] != 0xFFFF)
00826                                 {
00827                                         VelDesM =  SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];
00828                                 }
00829                                 PosXdes = (float)(SchedValues[SchedPtr][2]);
00830                                 PosYdes = (float)(SchedValues[SchedPtr][3]);
00831                                 SCHED_DIST_FLAG = 1;    // wait for target distance
00832                                 DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 1;   // enable distance computing [24a]
00833                         break;
00835                         case 6: // wait n ms
00836                                 RT_TIMER_FLAG = 1;
00837                                 RtTimer = SchedValues[SchedPtr][1];     // n x 50ms
00838                         break;
00840                         default:// the same as 0
00841                         VelDesM = 0;
00842                                 SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00843                         break;
00844                 }
00846         if (SchedPtr < 15)
00847         {
00848                 SchedPtr ++;    // next step
00849         }
00850 }       
00852 void AdcCalc(void)
00853 {
00854         extern int DmaAdc[2][64];
00855         int AdcCount = 0;
00856         long ADCValueTmp[2] = {0,0};// to store intermediate ADC calculations 
00858         ADC_CALC_FLAG = 0; // will be set by ISR when all data available
00859         // averages the 64 ADC values for each ANx
00860     for (AdcCount=0;AdcCount<64;AdcCount++)     
00861     {
00862                 ADCValueTmp[R] += DmaAdc[R][AdcCount];
00863                 ADCValueTmp[L] += DmaAdc[L][AdcCount];
00864     }
00865     ADCValue[R] = ADCValueTmp[R] >> 6; // [2a]
00866     ADCValue[L] = ADCValueTmp[L] >> 6; // [2a]          
00868     if (ADCValue[R] > ADC_OVLD_LIMIT)   // [2b]
00869     {
00870         ADCOvldCount[R] ++;
00871     }
00872     else
00873     {
00874         ADCOvldCount[R] = 0;
00875     }
00877     if (ADCValue[L] > ADC_OVLD_LIMIT)   // [2b]
00878     {
00879         ADCOvldCount[L] ++;
00880     }
00881     else
00882     {
00883         ADCOvldCount[L] = 0;
00884     }
00886     if ((ADCOvldCount[R]>ADC_OVLD_TIME)||(ADCOvldCount[L]>ADC_OVLD_TIME))
00887     {
00888         ADCOvldCount[R]=0;
00889         ADCOvldCount[R]=0;
00890         VelDesM = 0; // immediate halt
00891                 SCHEDULER_FLAG = 0;     // [32a]
00892                 BlinkOn = 50;   // very fast blink for alarm
00893                 BlinkPeriod = 100;
00894                 ErrCode = -30;
00895     }
00896 }
00899 void InitDistPid(void)
00900 {
00901 //Initialize the PID data structure: PIDstruct
00902 //Set up pointer to derived coefficients
00903 DistPIDstruct.abcCoefficients = &DistabcCoefficient[0];
00904 //Set up pointer to controller history samples
00905 DistPIDstruct.controlHistory = &DistcontrolHistory[0]; 
00906 // Clear the controler history and the controller output
00907 PIDInit(&DistPIDstruct); 
00908 //Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd
00909 PIDCoeffCalc(&DistKCoeffs[0], &DistPIDstruct); 
00910 }
00912 void Navigation(void)   // called after odometry is performed
00913 {
00914         float DPosX;    // delta PosX
00915         float DPosY;    // delta PosY
00916         float Dist;             // distance
00917         float VelDecrObj; // speed decreasing due to objects found
00919         CYCLE2_FLAG = 0; // will be set again by timer ISR
00921         if (DIST_ENABLE_FLAG)
00922         {
00923                 // distance from goal, i.e.: distance from desired to current position
00924                 DPosX = PosXdes - PosXmes;         // X component of distance
00925                 DPosY = PosYdes - PosYmes;         // Y component of distance
00926                 Dist = sqrtf(powf(DPosX,2) + powf(DPosY,2));// Pythagora's Theorem
00927         }
00928         else
00929         {
00930                 Dist = OBST_THRESHOLD;  // a reference value
00931                 DPosX = Dist * sin(ThetaDesRef);
00932                 DPosY = Dist * cos(ThetaDesRef);
00933         }
00935         if (Dist < MIN_DIST_ERR)        // goal reached
00936         {
00937                 DIST_ENABLE_FLAG = 0;   // disable distance computing [24a]
00938                 VelDecr = 1;                    // [24d]
00939                 VelDesM = 0;
00940                 if (SCHED_DIST_FLAG)
00941                 {
00942                         DIST_OK_FLAG = 1;       // target ok
00943                 }
00944                 return; // job done
00945         }
00946         else
00947         {// set ThetaDes and VelDecr to reach the goal avoiding obstacles
00948                 VelDecrObj=ObstacleAvoidance(DPosX, DPosY, Dist);  
00949         }       
00951         if (Dist < MIN_GOAL_DIST)          // [24c]
00952         {
00953                 DIST_PID_DES = 0;                  // the goal is to have dist=0 from target
00954                 DIST_PID_MES = Q15((float)Dist/(float)MIN_GOAL_DIST);  // measured input
00955                 PID(&DistPIDstruct);
00956                 VelDecr = -_itofQ15(DIST_PID_OUT); // [24d]
00957                 VelDecr *= VelDecrObj;
00958         }
00959         else
00960         {
00961                 VelDecr = VelDecrObj;
00962         }
00963 }
00965 float ObstacleAvoidance(float DPosX, float DPosY, int DistTarget)
00966 {   // [24e]
00967         float VX;                               // X component of resultant vector
00968         float VY;                               // Y component of resultant vector
00969         float VM;                               // magnitude of resultant vector
00970         const float Fcr= 0.2;   // Force constant (repelling)
00971         const float Fct= 1;     // Force constant (attraction to the target)
00972         int Cx;                                 // loop counters
00973         int Cy;
00974         int X_grid;
00975         int Y_grid;
00976         int CellV;                              // the valued contained in the current cell
00977         float Frx=0;                    // component vectors of the repulsive force
00978         float Fry=0;
00979         float FrTmp;
00980         float Ftx=0;                    // component vectors of the actractive force
00981         float Fty=0;
00982         int TableX;
00983         int TableY;
00985         if(Obj[0]<OBST_MIN_DIST||Obj[1]<OBST_MIN_DIST||Obj[2]<OBST_MIN_DIST)
00986         {// set ThetaDes and VelDecr to avoid very close obstacles
00987                 return -0.2; // walk backward at a slow speed
00988         } 
00989         else
00990         {       // index in the range 0-Y_SIZE to point the grid matrix
00991                 X_grid=PosIndx(PosXmes);
00992                 Y_grid=PosIndx(PosYmes);
00994                 TableX=TABLE_SIZE-OBST_FIELD;//define the field scanned into the table
00995                 for(Cx = X_grid-OBST_FIELD; Cx <= X_grid+OBST_FIELD; Cx++)
00996                 {
00997                   if((Cx >= X_POINT_MIN) && (Cx <= X_POINT_MAX))
00998                   {
00999                         TableY=TABLE_SIZE-OBST_FIELD;//define the field scanned
01000                     for(Cy = Y_grid-OBST_FIELD; Cy <= Y_grid+OBST_FIELD; Cy++)
01001                         {
01002                           if((Cy >= Y_POINT_MIN) && (Cy <= Y_POINT_MAX))
01003                           {
01004                             CellV=GetMap(Cx, Cy);
01005                                 if((CellV > 0) && (CellV < 8))
01006                                 {
01007                                   if((Cx != 0) && (Cy != 0))
01008                                   {
01009                                         FrTmp = Fcr*CellV;
01010                                         Frx+=FrTmp*VffTableX[TableX][TableY];
01011                                     Fry+=FrTmp*VffTableY[TableX][TableY];
01012                                   }
01013                             }
01014                           }
01015                           TableY++;
01016                     }
01017                   }
01018                   TableX++;
01019             }
01021                 //The target generates a constant-magnitud attracting force
01022                 Ftx=Fct*DPosX; // /DistTarget;
01023                 Fty=Fct*DPosY; // /DistTarget;
01025                 VX=Frx+Ftx;     // Resultant Force Vector
01026                 VY=Fry+Fty;
01027                 VM = 1; // to be defined (sqrtf(powf(VX,2) + powf(VY,2)))/OBST_THRESHOLD;
01029                 #ifdef NO_OBSTACLE
01030                 #warning -- compiling with NO OBSTACLE *************************************
01031                         VX = DPosX;
01032                         VY = DPosY;
01033                         VM = 1;
01034                 #endif
01036                 if ((VX != 0) && (VY != 0))
01037                 {// phase of new vector [22aa] Tangent(ThetaDes) = Sin/Cos = X/Y
01038                         ThetaDesF(atan2f(VX,VY)); 
01039                 }               
01040                 return VM;
01041         }
01042 }
01044 void InitAnglePid(void)
01045 {
01046 //Initialize the PID data structure: PIDstruct
01047 //Set up pointer to derived coefficients
01048 AnglePIDstruct.abcCoefficients = &AngleabcCoefficient[0];
01049 //Set up pointer to controller history samples
01050 AnglePIDstruct.controlHistory = &AnglecontrolHistory[0]; 
01051 // Clear the controler history and the controller output
01052 PIDInit(&AnglePIDstruct); 
01053 //Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd
01054 PIDCoeffCalc(&AngleKCoeffs[0], &AnglePIDstruct); 
01055 }
01057 void Orientation(void)  // [23]
01058 {
01059         int DeltaVel;   // difference in speed between the wheels to rotate
01060         int RealVel;    // VelDesM after reduction controlled by Dist PID
01061         float Error;    
01063         ORIENTATION_FLAG = 0; // it will be restarted by DeadReckoning()
01065         if (ThetaDes < 0) ThetaDes += TWOPI;    // keep angle value positive
01066         if (ThetaMes < 0) ThetaMes += TWOPI;
01067         Error = ThetaMes - ThetaDes;
01068         if (Error > PI) // search for the best direction to correct error [23a]
01069         {
01070                 Error -= TWOPI;
01071         }
01072         else if (Error < -PI)
01073         {
01074                 Error += TWOPI;
01075         }
01076         if (SCHED_ANGLE_FLAG)
01077         {
01078                 if (fabsf(Error) < MIN_THETA_ERR) 
01079                 {
01080                         ANGLE_OK_FLAG = 1;      // target ok
01081                 }
01082         }
01084         ANGLE_PID_DES = 0;                              // ref value translated to 0 [23c]
01085         ANGLE_PID_MES = Q15(Error/PI);  // current error [23b]
01086         PID(&AnglePIDstruct);
01088         DeltaVel = (ANGLE_PID_OUT >> 7);// MAX delta in int = 256 [23d]
01089         RealVel = VelDesM * VelDecr;    // [24d]
01090         VelDes[R] = RealVel - DeltaVel; // [23e]
01091         VelDes[L] = RealVel + DeltaVel;
01093         if (VelDes[R] > MAX_ROT_SPEED)
01094         {
01095                 VelDes[R] = MAX_ROT_SPEED;
01096                 VelDes[L] = MAX_ROT_SPEED + (DeltaVel << 1);
01097         }
01098         else if (VelDes[R] < -MAX_ROT_SPEED)
01099         {
01100                 VelDes[R] = -MAX_ROT_SPEED;
01101                 VelDes[L] = -MAX_ROT_SPEED + (DeltaVel << 1);
01102         }
01103         else if (VelDes[L] > MAX_ROT_SPEED)
01104         {
01105                 VelDes[L] = MAX_ROT_SPEED;
01106                 VelDes[R] = MAX_ROT_SPEED - (DeltaVel << 1);
01107         }
01108         else if (VelDes[L] < -MAX_ROT_SPEED)
01109         {
01110                 VelDes[L] = -MAX_ROT_SPEED;
01111                 VelDes[R] = -MAX_ROT_SPEED - (DeltaVel << 1);
01112         }
01114         VelFin[R] = Q15((float)(VelDes[R])/1000);       // [23f]
01115         if (VelFin[R] != PID_REF1)
01116         {
01117                 if (PID_REF1>=0 && VelFin[R] > PID_REF1)
01118                 {
01119                         Ramp1 = Q15( ACC);
01120                         RAMP_T_FLAG1 = 1;
01121                 }
01122                 if (PID_REF1>=0 && VelFin[R] < PID_REF1) 
01123                 {
01124                         Ramp1 = Q15(-DEC);
01125                         RAMP_T_FLAG1 = 0;
01126                 }
01127                 if (PID_REF1< 0 && VelFin[R] > PID_REF1) 
01128                 {
01129                         Ramp1 = Q15( DEC);
01130                         RAMP_T_FLAG1 = 1;
01131                 }
01132                 if (PID_REF1< 0 && VelFin[R] < PID_REF1) 
01133                 {
01134                         Ramp1 = Q15(-ACC);
01135                         RAMP_T_FLAG1 = 0;
01136                 }
01137                 RAMP_FLAG1 = 1; // acceleration ramp start
01138         }       
01140         VelFin[L] = Q15((float)(VelDes[L])/1000);
01141         if (VelFin[L] != PID_REF2)
01142         {
01143                 if (PID_REF2>=0 && VelFin[L] > PID_REF2)
01144                 {
01145                         Ramp2 = Q15( ACC);
01146                         RAMP_T_FLAG2 = 1;
01147                 }
01148                 if (PID_REF2>=0 && VelFin[L] < PID_REF2) 
01149                 {
01150                         Ramp2 = Q15(-DEC);
01151                         RAMP_T_FLAG2 = 0;
01152                 }
01153                 if (PID_REF2< 0 && VelFin[L] > PID_REF2) 
01154                 {
01155                         Ramp2 = Q15( DEC);
01156                         RAMP_T_FLAG2 = 1;
01157                 }
01158                 if (PID_REF2< 0 && VelFin[L] < PID_REF2) 
01159                 {
01160                         Ramp2 = Q15(-ACC);
01161                         RAMP_T_FLAG2 = 0;
01162                 }
01163                 RAMP_FLAG2 = 1; // acceleration ramp start
01164         }
01165 }
01167 void DeadReckoning(void) // [22]
01168 {
01169         float CosNow;           // current value for Cos
01170         float SinNow;           // current value for Sin
01171         float DSpace;           // delta traveled distance by the robot
01172         float DTheta;           // delta rotation angle
01173         float DPosX;            // delta space on X axis
01174         float DPosY;            // delta space on Y axis
01175         float SaMinusSb;
01176         float SrPlusSl;
01177         float Radius;
01179         CYCLE1_FLAG=0;
01181         Spmm[R]=SpTick[R]*Ksp[R];       // distance of right wheel in mm
01182         SpTick[R] = 0;                          // rest counter for the next misure
01183         Spmm[L]=SpTick[L]*Ksp[L];       // distance of left wheel in mm
01184         SpTick[L] = 0;                          // rest counter for the next misure
01186         #ifdef geographic                       // [22aa]
01187                 SaMinusSb=Spmm[L]-Spmm[R];
01188         #else
01189                 SaMinusSb=Spmm[R]-Spmm[L];
01190         #endif
01192         SrPlusSl=Spmm[R]+Spmm[L];
01193         if (fabs(SaMinusSb) <= SPMIN)
01194         {// traveling in a nearly straight line [22a]
01195                 DSpace=Spmm[R];
01197                 #ifdef geographic                       // [22aa]
01198                         DPosX=DSpace*SinPrev;
01199                         DPosY=DSpace*CosPrev;
01200                 #else
01201                         DPosX=DSpace*CosPrev;
01202                         DPosY=DSpace*SinPrev;
01203                 #endif
01205         }
01206         else if (fabs(SrPlusSl) <= SPMIN)
01207         {// pivoting around vertical axis without translation [22a]
01208                 DTheta=SaMinusSb/Axle;
01209                 ThetaMes=fmodf((ThetaMes+DTheta),TWOPI);//current orient. in 2PI range
01210                 CosPrev=cosf(ThetaMes); // for the next cycle
01211                 SinPrev=sinf(ThetaMes);
01212                 DPosX=0;
01213                 DPosY=0;
01214                 DSpace=0;
01215         }
01216         else
01217         {// rounding a curve    
01218                 DTheta=SaMinusSb/Axle;
01219                 ThetaMes=fmodf((ThetaMes+DTheta),TWOPI);//current orient. in 2PI range
01220                 CosNow=cosf(ThetaMes);
01221                 SinNow=sinf(ThetaMes);
01222                 DSpace=SrPlusSl/2;
01223                 Radius = (SemiAxle)*(SrPlusSl/SaMinusSb);
01225                 #ifdef geographic                       // [22aa]
01226                         DPosX=Radius*(CosPrev-CosNow);  
01227                         DPosY=Radius*(SinNow-SinPrev);
01228                 #else
01229                         DPosX=Radius*(SinNow-SinPrev);
01230                         DPosY=Radius*(CosPrev-CosNow);
01231                 #endif          
01233                 CosPrev=CosNow;         // to avoid re-calculation on the next cycle
01234                 SinPrev=SinNow;
01235         }
01237         Space += DSpace;        // total traveled distance
01238         PosXmes += DPosX;       // current position
01239         PosYmes += DPosY;
01241         Slam(PosXmes, PosYmes, 2); // mark a presence in this position cell
01243         ORIENTATION_FLAG = 1; // position coordinates computed, Angle PID can start
01244 }
01246 unsigned char Slam(float PosX, float PosY, int Cell)
01247 {//Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
01248         nibble CellValue;       // field map value of current cell 
01249         int Xpoint;     // X coordinate value normalized in matrix range 
01250         int Ypoint;     // Y index  
01251 /*  Field shifting still developing  
01252         int OldPoint; // temp for previous field boundaries
01253         int TempIndx;
01254 */      
01255         // field mapping [22b]
01256         // index in the range 0-Y_SIZE to point the matrix
01257         Xpoint=PosIndx(PosX);
01258         Ypoint=PosIndx(PosY);
01260         if (PosX >= MaxMapX)    
01261         {
01262                 Xpoint = X_POINT_MAX;
01263         }
01264         /* [22e] Field shifting still developing       
01265         {// compute the next cell beyond old boundary modulus MAP_SIZE
01266                 OldPoint=abs((__builtin_modsd((MaxMapX+HALF_MAP_SIZE),MAP_SIZE))
01267                         /CELL_SIZE);
01268                 MaxMapX = PosX;
01269                 MinMapX = MaxMapX - MAP_SIZE;
01270                 Xshift = Xpoint + 1; // [22g]
01271                 for (i=OldPoint; i<=Xpoint; i++)
01272                 {
01273                         for (TempIndx=0; TempIndx<Y_SIZE; TempIndx++)
01274                         {// purge the translated portion of the field   
01275                                 SetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint, 0);
01276                         }
01277                 }
01278         }
01279         */
01280         else if (PosX < MinMapX)
01281         {
01282                  Xpoint = X_POINT_MIN;
01283         }
01284         /* [22e] Field shifting still developing       
01285         {// compute the previous cell behind old boundary modulus MAP_SIZE
01286                 OldPoint=abs((__builtin_modsd((MaxMapX+(HALF_MAP_SIZE)-CELL_SIZE),
01287                         (MAP_SIZE)))/CELL_SIZE);
01288                 MinMapX = PosX;
01289                 MaxMapX = MinMapX + MAP_SIZE;
01290                 Xshift = -Xpoint; // [22g]
01291                 for (i=OldPoint; i>=Xpoint; i--)
01292                 {
01293                         for (TempIndx=0; TempIndx<Y_SIZE; TempIndx++)
01294                         {// purge the translated portion of the field   
01295                                 SetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint, 0);
01296                         }
01297                 }
01298         }
01299         */
01301         if (PosY >= MaxMapY)
01302         {
01303                 Ypoint = Y_POINT_MAX;
01304         }
01305         /* [22e] Field shifting still developing       
01306         {// compute the next cell beyond old boundary modulus MAP_SIZE
01307                 OldPoint=abs((__builtin_modsd((MaxMapY+HALF_MAP_SIZE),MAP_SIZE))
01308                         /CELL_SIZE);
01309                 MaxMapY = PosY;
01310                 MinMapY = MaxMapY - MAP_SIZE;
01311                 Yshift = Ypoint + 1; // [22g]
01312                 for (i=OldPoint; i<=Ypoint; i++)
01313                 {
01314                         for (TempIndx=0; TempIndx<X_SIZE; TempIndx++)
01315                         {// purge the translated portion of the field   
01316                                 SetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint, 0);
01317                         }
01318                 }
01319         }
01320         */
01322         else if (PosY < MinMapY)
01323         {
01324                 Ypoint =  Y_POINT_MIN;
01325         }
01326         /* [22e] Field shifting still developing       
01327         {// compute the previous cell behind old boundary modulus MAP_SIZE
01328                 OldPoint=abs((__builtin_modsd((MaxMapY+(HALF_MAP_SIZE)-CELL_SIZE),
01329                         (MAP_SIZE)))/CELL_SIZE);
01330                 MinMapY = PosY;
01331                 MaxMapY = MinMapY + MAP_SIZE;
01332                 Yshift = -Ypoint; // [22g]
01333                 for (i=OldPoint; i>=Ypoint; i--)
01334                 {
01335                         for (TempIndx=0; TempIndx<X_SIZE; TempIndx++)
01336                         {// purge the translated portion of the field   
01337                                 SetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint, 0);
01338                         }
01339                 }
01340         }
01341         */
01343         CellValue.nib=GetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint);
01345         if ((Xpoint != XindxPrev) || (Ypoint != YindxPrev))//only when cell changes
01346         {       
01347                 switch (Cell) // [22d]
01348                 {
01349                         case 1:
01350                                 if (CellValue.nib<7)
01351                                 {
01352                                         CellValue.nib++;
01353                                 }
01354                         break;
01356                         case 2: 
01357                                 if (CellValue.nib<8)// this overrides obstacle info
01358                                 {
01359                                         CellValue.nib = 8;
01360                                 }
01361                                 else if (CellValue.nib<10)
01362                                 {
01363                                         CellValue.nib++;
01364                                 }
01365                         break;
01367                         case 5: // gas
01368                                 CellValue.nib = 12;
01369                         break;
01371                         case 6: // light
01372                                 CellValue.nib = 13;
01373                         break;
01375                         case 7: // sound
01376                                 CellValue.nib = 14;
01377                         break;
01378                 }
01380                 SetMap(Xpoint, Ypoint, &CellValue);
01382                 XindxPrev=Xpoint;
01383                 YindxPrev=Ypoint;               
01384         }
01386         return CellValue.nib;
01387 }
01389 int PosIndx(float Pos)
01390 {   // field mapping [22b]
01391         // index in the range 0-Y_SIZE to point the matrix
01392         int Indx;
01393         Indx=abs((__builtin_modsd((Pos+(HALF_MAP_SIZE)),(MAP_SIZE)))/CELL_SIZE);        
01394         return Indx;
01395 }       
01397 unsigned char GetMap(int Xpnt, int Ypnt) 
01398 {
01399         int XindxH;     // High part of X index 
01400         int XindxL;     // Low part  of X index 
01401         div_t z;        // for div function
01403         //X index in range 0-X_SIZE (H) and remainder 0-(VAR_PER_BYTE-1) (L)
01404         z=div(Xpnt,VAR_PER_BYTE);
01405         XindxH=z.quot; // main index
01406         XindxL=z.rem;  // sub-index
01408         if(XindxL==0)
01409         {
01410                 return (MapXY[XindxH][Ypnt].TN.nib0);
01411         }
01412         else
01413         {       
01414                 return (MapXY[XindxH][Ypnt].TN.nib1);
01415         }
01416 }
01418 void SetMap(int Xpnt, int Ypnt, nibble *CellVal) 
01419 {
01420         int XindxH;     // High part of X index 
01421         int XindxL;     // Low part  of X index 
01422         div_t z;        // for div function
01424         //X index in range 0-X_SIZE (H) and remainder 0-(VAR_PER_BYTE-1) (L)
01425         z=div(Xpnt,VAR_PER_BYTE);
01426         XindxH=z.quot; // main index
01427         XindxL=z.rem;  // sub-index
01429         if(XindxL==0)
01430         {
01431                 MapXY[XindxH][Ypnt].TN.nib0 = CellVal->nib;
01432         }
01433         else
01434         {       
01435                 MapXY[XindxH][Ypnt].TN.nib1 = CellVal->nib;
01436         }
01437 }
01439 void ConstantsDefaultW (void)
01440 {
01441 DataEEWrite(401,EE_KVEL1_H);
01442 DataEEWrite(10405,EE_KVEL1_L);
01443 DataEEWrite(401,EE_KVEL2_H);
01444 DataEEWrite(10405,EE_KVEL2_L);
01445 DataEEWrite(9999,EE_ANGLE_KP);  
01446 DataEEWrite(8000,EE_ANGLE_KI);          
01447 DataEEWrite(0001,EE_ANGLE_KD);
01448 DataEEWrite(9999,EE_DIST_KP);   
01449 DataEEWrite(8000,EE_DIST_KI);           
01450 DataEEWrite(0001,EE_DIST_KD);
01451 DataEEWrite(6000,EE_KP1);
01452 DataEEWrite(7000,EE_KI1);
01453 DataEEWrite(1000,EE_KD1);
01454 DataEEWrite(6000,EE_KP2);
01455 DataEEWrite(7000,EE_KI2);
01456 DataEEWrite(1000,EE_KD2);
01457 DataEEWrite(77,EE_KSP1_H);
01458 DataEEWrite(15183,EE_KSP1_L);
01459 DataEEWrite(77,EE_KSP2_H);
01460 DataEEWrite(15183,EE_KSP2_L);
01461 DataEEWrite(28,EE_AXLE_H);
01462 DataEEWrite(17214,EE_AXLE_L);
01463 }
01465 void ConstantsDefaultR (void)   // get constant values as default
01466 {
01467 ANGLE_KP=Q15(0.9999);   
01468 ANGLE_KI=Q15(0.7);              
01469 ANGLE_KD=Q15(0.0001);   
01471 // KP, KI, KD x Distance PID in fractional
01472 // fractional, 3 x 2 = 6 bytes
01473 DIST_KP=Q15(0.9999);            
01474 DIST_KI=Q15(0.8);       
01475 DIST_KD=Q15(0.0001);    
01477 KP1=Q15(0.9);
01478 KI1=Q15(0.7);
01479 KD1=Q15(0.1);
01480 KP2=Q15(0.9);
01481 KI2=Q15(0.7);
01482 KD2=Q15(0.1);           
01484 Kvel[R] = 26555230; // x 1 value
01485 Kvel[L] = 26487032; 
01487 Ksp[R] = 0.005065008;
01488 Ksp[L] = 0.0050520;
01489 Axle = 184.8728;
01491 SemiAxle = Axle/2;
01492 }
01494 void ConstantsError(void)                  // Constants paramters error occured
01495 {
01496         BlinkPeriod = K_ERR_BLINK_PER;// LED1 blinking period (ms)
01497         BlinkOn     = K_ERR_BLINK_ON; // LED1 on time (ms)
01498         Blink = 0;
01499         ErrCode=-20;                              // store the last Error Code
01500         ConstantsDefaultR();              // use default parameters
01501 }
01502 void ConstantsRead(void)        // get constant values from permament memory
01503 {
01504 long Tmp1Long;
01505 long Tmp2Long;
01506 int C1;                                 // generic counter
01507 int C2;
01508 int C3;
01509 int TmpChk;
01511 #ifdef NO_FLASH         // [34a]
01512 #warning -- compiling with NO FLASH *************************************
01513         ConstantsDefaultR();
01514         return;
01515 #endif
01517 if (DataEERead(EE_KP1) == 0xFFFF) // default values if not programmed
01518 {
01519         ConstantsError();
01520         return;
01521 }
01523 C3 = EE_SCHED;  // starting address for scheduler sequence storage
01524 TmpChk=0;
01525 for (C1=0; C1<16; C1++)
01526 {
01527         for (C2=0; C2<4; C2++)
01528         {
01529                 SchedValues[C1][C2]=(DataEERead(C3));
01530                 TmpChk+=SchedValues[C1][C2];
01531                 C3 ++;
01532         }
01533 }
01534 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_SCHED))
01535 {
01536         ConstantsError();
01537         return;
01538 }
01540 /* Speed calculation K in micron/second = 26290341 [4] [7] [19]
01541    Speed calculation K in m/s as a power of 2 to semplify dsPID elaboration
01542    Kvel[] = (K << 15)
01543    long, 2 x 4 bytes = 8 byte
01544    Kvel[x] = 26290341;  x 1 value = 26290341  x 2 value = 13145171
01545 */
01546 Tmp1Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KVEL1_H);
01547 TmpChk=Tmp1Long;
01548 Tmp2Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KVEL1_L);
01549 TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
01550 Kvel[R] = ((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long);
01551 Tmp1Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KVEL2_H);
01552 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01553 Tmp2Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KVEL2_L);
01554 TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
01555 Kvel[L] = ((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long);
01557 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_KVEL))
01558 {
01559         ConstantsError();
01560         return;
01561 }
01563 /* KP, KI, KD x Angle PID [23]
01564    fractional, 3 x 2 = 6 bytes
01565 ANGLE_KP=0.9999
01566 ANGLE_KI=0.8    
01567 ANGLE_KD=0
01568 */      
01570 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_ANGLE_KP);
01571 TmpChk=Tmp1Long;
01572 ANGLE_KP=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01573 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_ANGLE_KI);
01574 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01575 ANGLE_KI=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01576 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_ANGLE_KD);
01577 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01578 ANGLE_KD=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);  
01580 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_ANGLE))
01581 {
01582         ConstantsError();
01583         return;
01584 }
01586 /* KP, KI, KD x Dist PID [24]
01587    fractional, 3 x 2 = 6 bytes
01588 DIST_KP=0.9999
01589 DIST_KI=0.8     
01590 DIST_KD=0
01591 */      
01593 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_DIST_KP);
01594 TmpChk=Tmp1Long;
01595 DIST_KP=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01596 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_DIST_KI);
01597 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01598 DIST_KI=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01599 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_DIST_KD);
01600 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01601 DIST_KD=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);   
01603 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_DIST))
01604 {
01605         ConstantsError();
01606         return;
01607 }
01609 /* KP, KI, KD x Speed PID1 and PID2 in int x 10.000 
01610    fractional, 2MCs x 3params x 2bytes = 12 bytes
01611 KP1=0.6
01612 KI1=0.7
01613 KD1=0.1
01614 KP2=0.6
01615 KI2=0.7
01616 KD2=0.1 
01617 */      
01618 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KP1);
01619 TmpChk=Tmp1Long;
01620 KP1=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01621 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KI1);
01622 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01623 KI1=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01624 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KD1);
01625 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01626 KD1=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);       
01627 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KP2);
01628 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01629 KP2=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01630 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KI2);
01631 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01632 KI2=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);
01633 Tmp1Long=DataEERead(EE_KD2);
01634 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01635 KD2=Q15((float)(Tmp1Long)/10000);       
01637 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_SPEED))
01638 {
01639         ConstantsError();
01640         return;
01641 }
01643 /* constants for traveled distance calculation: SPACE_ENC_4X in mm [21]
01644         float, 2 x 4 = 8 bytes
01645 Ksp[x] = 0.00506145483078356;   
01646 */
01647 Tmp1Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KSP1_H);
01648 TmpChk=Tmp1Long;
01649 Tmp2Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KSP1_L);
01650 TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
01651 Ksp[R]  = (float)(((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long))/((float)(1000000000)); 
01652 Tmp1Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KSP2_H);
01653 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01654 Tmp2Long=(long)DataEERead(EE_KSP2_L);
01655 TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
01656 Ksp[L]  = (float)(((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long))/((float)(1000000000)); 
01658 /* base width, distance between center of the wheels [21]
01659         float, 1 x 4 = 4 bytes
01660 Axle = 185.2222;
01661 */
01663 Tmp1Long = (long)DataEERead(EE_AXLE_H);
01664 TmpChk+=Tmp1Long;
01665 Tmp2Long = (long)DataEERead(EE_AXLE_L);
01666 TmpChk+=Tmp2Long;
01667 Axle = ((float)((Tmp1Long << 16) + Tmp2Long))/((float)(10000));
01668 if (TmpChk!=DataEERead(EE_CHK_MECH))
01669 {
01670         ConstantsError();
01671         return;
01672 }
01674 SemiAxle = Axle/2;
01675 }
01677 void InitPid1(void)
01678 {               
01679 //Initialize the PID data structure: PIDstruct
01680 //Set up pointer to derived coefficients
01681 PIDstruct1.abcCoefficients = &abcCoefficient1[0];
01682 //Set up pointer to controller history samples
01683 PIDstruct1.controlHistory = &controlHistory1[0]; 
01684 // Clear the controler history and the controller output
01685 PIDInit(&PIDstruct1); 
01686 //Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd
01687 PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs1[0], &PIDstruct1); 
01688 }
01690 void InitPid2(void)
01691 {
01692 //Initialize the PID data structure: PIDstruct
01693 //Set up pointer to derived coefficients
01694 PIDstruct2.abcCoefficients = &abcCoefficient2[0];
01695 //Set up pointer to controller history samples
01696 PIDstruct2.controlHistory = &controlHistory2[0]; 
01697 // Clear the controler history and the controller output
01698 PIDInit(&PIDstruct2); 
01699 //Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd
01700 PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs2[0], &PIDstruct2); 
01701 }
01703 void Pid1(void) 
01704 {
01705 #ifdef SLOW_ENC 
01706         if (labs(Vel[R]) > VEL_MIN_PID) // more frequent PID cycle above a threshold
01707         {
01708                 Pid1Calc();
01709         }
01710         else    // [19f]
01711         {
01712                 PidCycle[R] ++; 
01713                 if (PidCycle[R] >= 10)
01714                 {
01715                         Pid1Calc();
01716                 }
01717         }
01718 #else
01719         Pid1Calc();
01720 #endif
01721 }
01723 void Pid1Calc(void) 
01724 {// [19]
01725         long IcPeriodTmp;
01726         int IcIndxTmp;
01727         int PWM;
01729         IcPeriodTmp=Ic1Period;  // [19a]
01730         IcIndxTmp=Ic1Indx;
01731         Ic1Indx = 0;    
01732         Ic1Period=0;    
01733 //      IC1_FIRST=0;
01734         PID1_CALC_FLAG = 0;
01735         Vel[R]=0;
01737         if (IcIndxTmp)  // motor is running [19c]
01738         {
01739                 Vel[R] = Kvel[R]*IcIndxTmp/IcPeriodTmp;
01740         }
01742         SpTick[R] += (int)POS1CNT; // cast to signed to store direction [19]
01743         POS1CNT=0;
01745         // calcolo PID
01746         if (RAMP_FLAG1) // the motor is acc/dec-elerating [19f]
01747         {
01748                 PID_REF1 += Ramp1;
01749                 if (RAMP_T_FLAG1)       
01750                 {
01751                         if (PID_REF1 >= VelFin[R]) 
01752                         {
01753                                 PID_REF1 = VelFin[R];
01754                                 RAMP_FLAG1 = 0; // acceleration is over
01755                         }
01756                 }
01757                 else
01758                 {
01759                         if (PID_REF1 <= VelFin[R]) 
01760                         {
01761                                 PID_REF1 = VelFin[R];
01762                                 RAMP_FLAG1 = 0; // acceleration is over
01763                         }
01764                 }
01765         }
01767         PID_MES1 = (Vel[R]);                    // speed in m/s
01768         PID(&PIDstruct1);
01769         PWM = (PID_OUT1 >> 4) + 2048 ;  // [19e]
01770         SetDCMCPWM1(1, PWM, 0);
01771 //      MOTOR_ENABLE1 = 1;      // [1]          
01772 }
01774 void Pid2(void) 
01775 {
01776 #ifdef SLOW_ENC 
01777         if (labs(Vel[L]) > VEL_MIN_PID) // more frequent PID cycle above a threshold
01778         {
01779                 Pid2Calc();
01780         }
01781         else    // [19f]
01782         {
01783                 PidCycle[L] ++; 
01784                 if (PidCycle[L] >= 10)
01785                 {
01786                         Pid2Calc();
01787                 }
01788         }
01789 #else
01790         Pid2Calc();
01791 #endif
01792 }
01794 void Pid2Calc(void)
01795 {// [19]
01796         long IcPeriodTmp;
01797         int IcIndxTmp;
01798         int PWM;
01800         IcPeriodTmp=Ic2Period;  // [19a]
01801         IcIndxTmp=Ic2Indx;
01802         Ic2Indx = 0;    
01803         Ic2Period=0;    
01804 //      IC2_FIRST=0;
01805         PID2_CALC_FLAG = 0;
01806         Vel[L]=0;
01808         if (IcIndxTmp)  // motor is running [19c]
01809         {
01810                 Vel[L] = Kvel[L]*IcIndxTmp/IcPeriodTmp;
01811         }
01813         SpTick[L] += (int)POS2CNT; // cast to signed to store direction [19]
01814         POS2CNT=0;
01816         // calcolo PID
01817         if (RAMP_FLAG2) // the motor is acc/dec-elerating [19f]
01818         {
01819                 PID_REF2 += Ramp2;
01820                 if (RAMP_T_FLAG2)       
01821                 {
01822                         if (PID_REF2 >= VelFin[L]) 
01823                         {
01824                                 PID_REF2 = VelFin[L];
01825                                 RAMP_FLAG2 = 0; // acceleration is over
01826                         }
01827                 }
01828                 else
01829                 {
01830                         if (PID_REF2 <= VelFin[L]) 
01831                         {
01832                                 PID_REF2 = VelFin[L];
01833                                 RAMP_FLAG2 = 0; // acceleration is over
01834                         }
01835                 }
01836         }
01838         PID_MES2 = (Vel[L]);                    // speed in m/s
01839         PID(&PIDstruct2);
01840         PWM = (PID_OUT2 >> 4) + 2048 ;  // [19e]
01841         SetDCMCPWM1(2, PWM, 0);
01842 //      MOTOR_ENABLE2 = 1;      // [1]                  
01843 }
01846 void DelayN1ms(int n)
01847 {
01848         int ms;
01849         for (ms = 0; ms < n; ms ++)
01850         {
01851                 DelayN10us(100);
01852         }
01853 }
01855 void DelayN10us(int n) // [22]
01856 {
01857         int DelayCount;
01858         for (DelayCount = 0; DelayCount < (57 * n); DelayCount ++);     
01859 }
01861 void TxCont(void)
01862 {
01863         int Ptmp;                               // temp for position values
01864         int CurrTmp;                    // temp for motors current value
01865         int VelInt[2];                  // speed in mm/s as an integer
01866         int Alpha;                      // rotation angle in degrees
01868         UartContTxTimer=UART_CONT_TIMEOUT;      // timer reset
01869         if (TxContFlag == 1)
01870         {
01871                 Ptmp = (VelMes[R] + VelMes[L]) >> 1;    // average speed
01872                 UartTxBuff[0]=Ptmp>>8; 
01873                 UartTxBuff[1]=Ptmp;
01874                 UartTxBuff[2]=9;                                                // tab
01875                 // Curr = int -> 2byte (mA)
01876                 CurrTmp = ADCValue[R]+ADCValue[L];              // total current
01877                 UartTxBuff[3]=CurrTmp>>8;
01878                 UartTxBuff[4]=CurrTmp;
01879                 UartTxBuff[5]=9;                                                // tab
01880                 // PosXmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
01881                 Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosXmes);                              // PosX
01882                 UartTxBuff[6]=Ptmp>>8; 
01883                 UartTxBuff[7]=Ptmp;
01884                 UartTxBuff[8]=9;                                                // tab
01885                 // PosYmes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (mm)
01886                 Ptmp = FLOAT2INT(PosYmes);                              // PosY
01887                 UartTxBuff[9]=Ptmp>>8; 
01888                 UartTxBuff[10]=Ptmp;
01889                 UartTxBuff[11]=9;                                               // tab
01890                 // ThetaMes rounded in a Int -> 2 byte (degrees)
01891                 Ptmp = ThetaMes * RAD2DEG;                              // Theta
01892                 Alpha = FLOAT2INT(Ptmp);
01893                 UartTxBuff[12]=Alpha>>8; 
01894                 UartTxBuff[13]=Alpha;
01895                 UartTxBuff[14]=10;                                              // LF
01896                 UartTxBuff[15]=13;                                              // CR
01897                 DMA6CNT = 15;   // # of DMA requests
01898         }
01899         else
01900         {
01901                 // VelInt = Int -> 2 byte
01902                 VelInt[R]=(long)(Vel[R] * 1000)>>15;            // VelR
01903                 UartTxBuff[0]=VelInt[R]>>8; 
01904                 UartTxBuff[1]=VelInt[R];
01905                 UartTxBuff[2]=9;                                                // tab
01906                 VelInt[L]=(long)(Vel[L] * 1000)>>15;            // VelL
01907                 UartTxBuff[3]=VelInt[L]>>8; 
01908                 UartTxBuff[4]=VelInt[L];
01909                 UartTxBuff[5]=9;                                                // tab
01910                 // ADCValue = int -> 2byte
01911                 UartTxBuff[6]=ADCValue[R]>>8;                   // CurrR
01912                 UartTxBuff[7]=ADCValue[R];
01913                 UartTxBuff[8]=9;                                                // tab
01914                 UartTxBuff[9]=ADCValue[L]>>8;                   // CurrL
01915                 UartTxBuff[10]=ADCValue[L];
01916                 UartTxBuff[11]=9;                                               // tab
01917                 // Space = int -> 2byte
01918                 UartTxBuff[12]=SpTick[R]>>8;                    // SpTickR
01919                 UartTxBuff[13]=SpTick[R];
01920                 UartTxBuff[14]=9;                                               // tab
01921                 SpTick[R] = 0; // [19]
01922                 UartTxBuff[15]=SpTick[L]>>8;                    // SpTickL
01923                 UartTxBuff[16]=SpTick[L];
01924                 SpTick[L] = 0; // [19]
01925                 UartTxBuff[17]=10;                                              // LF
01926                 UartTxBuff[18]=13;                                              // CR
01927                 DMA6CNT = 18;   // # of DMA requests
01928         }
01930         DMA6CONbits.CHEN  = 1;          // Re-enable TX DMA Channel
01931         DMA6REQbits.FORCE = 1;          // Manual mode: Kick-start the first TX
01932 }
01934 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01935 /* Interrupt Service Routines                                                */
01936 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01937 #ifndef TIMER_OFF
01938 void _ISR_PSV _T1Interrupt(void)        // Timer 1 [13]
01939 {
01940         _T1IF=0;                // interrupt flag reset
01941         UartContTxTimer --;     // timer for continuos send mode
01942         Blink ++;                       // heartbeat LED blink
01944         // cycle 0 actions
01945         PID1_CALC_FLAG = 1;     // PID1 and speed calculation enabled
01946         PID2_CALC_FLAG = 1;     // PID2 and speed calculation enabled
01948         Cycle1 ++;
01949         // cycle 1 actions
01950         if (Cycle1 >= CICLE1_TMO)
01951         {
01952                 Cycle1 = 0;
01953                 CYCLE1_FLAG = 1; // it's time to start first cycle actions [23]
01955                 Cycle2 ++;
01956                 // cycle 2 actions
01957                 if (Cycle2 >= CICLE2_TMO)
01958                 {
01959                         Cycle2 = 0;
01960                         CYCLE2_FLAG=1; // it's time to start second cycle actions [24]
01961                         IdleSample ++; // [25]
01962                         RtTimer --;        // real time delay
01963                         RndTimer ++;   // Timer for randomly avoid central obstacles
01964                 }
01965         }
01966 }
01968 void _ISR_PSV _T2Interrupt(void)        // Timer 2 [12]
01969 {
01970         _T2IF = 0;                                      // interrupt flag reset
01971         Tmr2OvflwCount1 ++;             // TMR2 overflow as occurred
01972         Tmr2OvflwCount2 ++;             // TMR2 overflow as occurred
01973 }
01975 #endif
01977 void _ISR_PSV _DMA7Interrupt(void)      // DMA for ADC [2]
01978 {       
01979         _DMA7IF = 0;    // interrupt flag reset
01980         ADC_CALC_FLAG = 1; // enable ADC average calculus
01981 }
01984 void _ISR_PSV _DMA6Interrupt(void)      // DMA for UART1 TX [6d]
01985 {
01986         _DMA6IF = 0;    // interrupt flag reset
01987         MAP_BUFF_FLAG = 1; // ready to send another map grid row
01988 }
01990 void _ISR_PSV _DMA5Interrupt(void)      // DMA for UART2 TX [6zd]
01991 {
01992         _DMA5IF = 0;    // interrupt flag reset
01993         MAP_BUFF_FLAG = 1; // ready to send another map grid row
01994 }
01996 void _ISR_PSV _IC1Interrupt(void)       // Input Capture 1 [7]
01997 {
01998         _IC1IF = 0;                                     // interrupt flag reset
01999         if (IC1_FIRST)// first sample, stores TMR2 starting value [19b]
02000         {
02001                 Ic1CurrPeriod = IC1BUF;
02002                 if (Tmr2OvflwCount1 == 0)
02003                 {
02004                         Ic1Period += (Ic1CurrPeriod - Ic1PrevPeriod);
02005                 }
02006                 else
02007                 {// [7a]
02008                 #ifdef SLOW_ENC 
02009                         Ic1Period += (Ic1CurrPeriod + (0xFFFF - Ic1PrevPeriod)
02010                          +(0xFFFF * (Tmr2OvflwCount1 - 1)));
02011                 #else
02012                         Ic1Period += (Ic1CurrPeriod + (0xFFFF - Ic1PrevPeriod));
02013                 #endif
02014                         Tmr2OvflwCount1 = 0;    
02015                 }
02016                 Ic1PrevPeriod = Ic1CurrPeriod;
02017                 if (QEI1CONbits.UPDN)   // [7b]
02018                 {
02019                         Ic1Indx ++;
02020                 }
02021                 else
02022                 {
02023                         Ic1Indx --;
02024                 }
02025         }
02026         else
02027         {
02028                 Ic1PrevPeriod = IC1BUF;
02029                 IC1_FIRST=1;
02030         }
02031 }
02034 void _ISR_PSV _IC2Interrupt(void)       // Input Capture 2 [7]
02035 {
02036         _IC2IF = 0;                                     // interrupt flag reset
02037         if (IC2_FIRST)// first sample, stores TMR2 starting value [19b]
02038         {
02039                 Ic2CurrPeriod = IC2BUF;
02040                 if (Tmr2OvflwCount2 == 0)
02041                 {
02042                         Ic2Period += (Ic2CurrPeriod - Ic2PrevPeriod);
02043                 }
02044                 else
02045                 {// [7a]
02046                 #ifdef SLOW_ENC 
02047                         Ic2Period += (Ic2CurrPeriod + (0xFFFF - Ic2PrevPeriod)
02048                          +(0xFFFF * (Tmr2OvflwCount2 - 1)));
02049                 #else
02050                         Ic2Period += (Ic2CurrPeriod + (0xFFFF - Ic2PrevPeriod));
02051                 #endif
02052                         Tmr2OvflwCount2 = 0;    
02053                 }
02054                 Ic2PrevPeriod = Ic2CurrPeriod;
02055                 if (QEI2CONbits.UPDN)   // [7b]
02056                 {
02057                         Ic2Indx ++;
02058                 }
02059                 else
02060                 {
02061                         Ic2Indx --;
02062                 }
02063         }
02064         else
02065         {
02066                 Ic2PrevPeriod = IC2BUF;
02067                 IC2_FIRST=1;
02068         }
02069 }
02072 void __attribute__ ((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _U1ErrInterrupt(void)
02073 {
02074         IFS4bits.U1EIF = 0; // Clear the UART1 Error Interrupt Flag
02075 }
02077 void __attribute__ ((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _U2ErrInterrupt(void)
02078 {
02079         IFS4bits.U2EIF = 0; // Clear the UART2 Error Interrupt Flag
02080 }
02082 //{
02083 /* Disabled------------------
02084 void _ISR_PSV _CNInterrupt(void)        // change Notification [3]
02085 {
02086         _CNIF = 0;              // interrupt flag reset
02087 }
02089 void _ISR_PSV _INT1Interrupt(void)      // External Interrupt INT1 [8]
02090 {
02091         _INT1IF = 0;    // interrupt flag reset
02092         ClrWdt();               // [1]
02093         LED1=0;                 // [1]
02094 }
02096 void _ISR_PSV _U1TXInterrupt(void)      // UART TX [6a]
02097 {
02098         _U1TXIF = 0;    // interrupt flag reset
02100         if (UartTxCntr < UartTxBuffSize)
02101         {
02102                 WriteUART1(UartTxBuff[UartTxCntr]);
02103                 UartTxCntr++;
02104         }
02105         else
02106         {// waits for UART sending complete to disable the peripheral
02107                 TxFlag = 2;     
02108         }
02109 }
02110 ------------------ Disabled */
02111 //}
02112 /*****************************************************************************/
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