Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 ** Included in "dsPID.c", it contains definitions and variables initialization
00005 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00006 /* standard include                                                                                                                  */
00007 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00008 #include "dsPID33_common.h"
00010 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00011 /* Status bits                                                                                                               */
00012 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00014 /* Boot Segment Program Memory:No Boot Segment Program Memory
00015 ** Write Protect:Disabled **/
00018 // External Oscillator
00019 _FOSCSEL(FNOSC_PRI);                    // Primary (XT, HS, EC) Oscillator 
00021 // Clock Switching is enabled and Fail Safe Clock Monitor is disabled
00022                                                                 // OSC2 Pin Function: OSC2 is Clock Output
00023                                                                 // Primary Oscillator Mode: XT Crystanl
00024 _FOSC(FCKSM_CSECMD & OSCIOFNC_OFF  & POSCMD_XT);                                        
00026 /* Background Debug Enable Bit: Device will Reset in user mode
00027 ** Debugger/Emulator Enable Bit: Reset in operational mode
00028 ** JTAG Enable Bit: JTAG is disabled
00029 ** ICD communication channel select bits: 
00030 ** communicate on PGC1/EMUC1 and PGD1/EMUD1 **/
00031 //_FICD(BKBUG_ON & COE_ON & JTAGEN_OFF & ICS_PGD1); // valid until C30 3.11
00033 /*Enable MCLR reset pin and turn on the power-up timers with 64ms delay.
00034 PIN managed by PWM at reset*/                                    
00035 _FPOR(FPWRT_PWR64 & PWMPIN_ON & HPOL_ON & LPOL_ON);                             
00037 /* Code Protect: Code Protect off
00038 ** Code Protect: Disabled
00039 ** Write Protect: Disabled **/ 
00042 //   Watchdog Timer Enable:
00043 _FWDT(FWDTEN_OFF)       //Watchdog timer enabled/disabled by user software      
00046 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
00047 /* External defininitions                                                    */
00048 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
00050 //UART
00051 //{
00052 extern volatile unsigned char UartRxBuff[][2];
00053 extern unsigned char 
00054                 UartTxBuff[] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(128)));
00055 extern volatile unsigned char UartRxPtrIn;
00056 extern unsigned char UartRxPtrOut;      
00057 extern volatile int UartRxStatus;
00059 extern volatile unsigned char Uart2RxPtrIn;
00060 extern unsigned char Uart2RxPtrOut;
00061 extern volatile int Uart2RxStatus;      
00062 extern unsigned char TmpPtr;
00063 extern unsigned char UartRxPtrData;
00064 extern unsigned char UartRxCmd[];
00065 extern unsigned char UartTmpBuff[][2];
00066 extern const unsigned char Test[];
00067 extern unsigned char TmpPtr2;
00068 extern unsigned char Uart2RxPtrData;
00069 int Port;                       // Port = 0 for UART1, Port = 1 for UART2
00070 int SendMapPort;        // to temporay store port number for delayed TX
00071 int ResetPort;          // to temporay store port number for reset
00072 //}
00074 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
00075 /* Global defininitions                                                      */
00076 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
00078 struct Bits{
00079         unsigned bit0:1;
00080         unsigned bit1:1;
00081         unsigned bit2:1;
00082         unsigned bit3:1;
00083         unsigned bit4:1;
00084         unsigned bit5:1;
00085         unsigned bit6:1;
00086         unsigned bit7:1;
00087         unsigned bit8:1;
00088         unsigned bit9:1;
00089         unsigned bit10:1;
00090         unsigned bit11:1;
00091         unsigned bit12:1;
00092         unsigned bit13:1;
00093         unsigned bit14:1;
00094         unsigned bit15:1;
00095 };
00097 struct Bits VARbits1;
00098 struct Bits VARbits2;
00099 volatile struct Bits VOLbits1;
00101 //----- Flags
00103 #define RC6Tick(x) (Delay1KTCYx(4*x),Delay100TCYx(4*x),Delay10TCYx(3*x))
00104 #define DELAY100MS Delay10KTCYx(100)    // 100ms
00106 #if defined(__dsPIC33FJ64MC802__) || defined(__dsPIC33FJ128MC802__)
00107 // -- compiling for a 28 pin DSC ***************************************
00109         #define LED1 _LATA4
00110         #define LED2 _LATB4
00111 //      #define MOTOR_ENABLE1 _LATB1
00112 //      #define MOTOR_ENABLE2 _LATB0
00113         #define DIR_485 _LATB9
00115 #elif defined(__dsPIC33FJ64MC804__) || defined(__dsPIC33FJ128MC804__)
00116 // -- compiling for a 44 pin DSC ***************************************
00118 #ifdef DSNAVCON33
00120         #define LED1 _LATA8
00121         #define MOTOR_ENABLE1 _LATA7
00122         #define MOTOR_ENABLE2 _LATA10
00124 #endif
00128         #define LED1 _LATA8
00129         #define LED2 _LATA9
00130         #define AUX1 _LATA7
00131         #define AUX2 _LATA10
00132         #define MOTOR_ENABLE1 _LATA0
00133         #define MOTOR_ENABLE2 _LATA1
00134         #define DIR_485 _LATC3
00136 #endif
00138 #else
00140 #error -- dsPIC33FJ not recognized. Accepted only 64/128MC802 or 64/128MC804
00142 #endif
00144 const long Tcy = 1000000/(float)(FCY)* 100000000;
00146 //----- Variabili
00147 int i = 0;              // generic index
00148 int j = 0;              // generic index
00149 long Blink = 0; // heartbeat blink index
00151 #define UART_CONT_TIMEOUT 100                   // continuos parameters TX in ms(debug)
00152 unsigned int TxContFlag=0;                              // continuos parameters TX flag (debug)
00153 volatile int UartContTxTimer=UART_CONT_TIMEOUT; // timer for cont parameters TX 
00154 #define UART_CONT_TIMEOUT 100                   // continuos parameters TX in ms(debug) 
00156 // ADC
00157 int ADCValue[2] = {0,0};                // 64 sample average ADC AN0, AN1 reading
00158 #define ADC_CALC_FLAG VOLbits1.bit6     // enable ADC value average calculus
00159 #define ADC_OVLD_LIMIT 800                      // in mA
00160 #define ADC_OVLD_TIME   100                     // n x 10ms
00161 char ADCOvldCount[2] = {0,0};           // how long overload status last        
00163 // Input Capture (speed measurement)
00164 volatile int Ic1Indx = 0;                       // samples buffer index for IC1
00165 volatile int Ic2Indx = 0;                       // samples buffer index for IC2
00166 volatile unsigned int Ic1PrevPeriod;    // previous sample for IC1
00167 volatile unsigned int Ic2PrevPeriod;    // previous sample for IC2
00168 volatile long Ic1Period = 0;                    // n samples average value for IC1
00169 volatile long Ic2Period = 0;                    // n samples average value for IC2
00170 volatile unsigned int Ic1CurrPeriod;    // current value for IC1
00171 volatile unsigned int Ic2CurrPeriod;    // current value for IC2
00172 long Tmr2OvflwCount1;                                   // timer 2 overflow for IC1
00173 long Tmr2OvflwCount2;                                   // timer 2 overflow for IC2
00174 #define IC1_FIRST VOLbits1.bit7           // first encoder pulse for IC1
00175 #define IC2_FIRST VOLbits1.bit8           // first encoder pulse for IC2
00177 #define PID1_CALC_FLAG VOLbits1.bit0      // PID and speed elaboration flag
00178 #define PID2_CALC_FLAG VOLbits1.bit1      // PID and speed elaboration flag
00180 /*
00181 -> [4] [7] [19]
00184 Encoder = 300 cpr 
00185 Gear reduction ratio = 30:1
00186 Wheel speed = 200 rpm
00187 Encoder pulses for each wheel turn = 9.000
00188 Wheel diameter = 58mm -> circumference = 182,2123739mm
00189 Space for each encoder pulse 1x mode Delta S = 0,020245819mm
00190 Space for each encoder pulse 2x mode Delta S = 0,01012291mm
00191 Space for each encoder pulse 4x mode Delta S = 0,005061455mm
00192 Speed calculation K in micron/second = 298536736 -> [19]
00193 */
00194 #define CPR 300
00195 #define GEAR_RATIO 30
00196 #define CPR_WHEEL CPR*GEAR_RATIO                                // 9000
00197 #define DIAMETER  0.058
00198 #define CIRC  DIAMETER*PI                                               // 0.182212374
00199 #define SPACE_ENC_1X (CIRC / (CPR_WHEEL))               // 2.0245819E-05
00200 #define SPACE_ENC_2X (CIRC / (CPR_WHEEL * 2))   // 1.012291E-05
00201 #define SPACE_ENC_4X (CIRC / (CPR_WHEEL * 4))
00202 #define K_VEL ((SPACE_ENC_2X) / (TCY))                  // TCY = 25,2341731266 ns
00204 #define R 0                                                     // right index
00205 #define L 1                                                     // right index
00207 // Speed calculation K in m/s
00208 long Kvel[2]; // K_VEL << 15
00209 int VelDes[2] = {0,0};  // desired speed mm/s
00210 int VelMes[2] = {0,0};  // measured speed mm/s  
00211 int VelDesM = 0;                // mean measured speed mm/s [23]
00212 // threshold to change PID calculation frequency. = Speed in mm/s *2^15/1000
00213 #define VEL_MIN_PID 1600 // Approx 50mm/s
00214 unsigned char PidCycle[2]; // counter for longer cycle PID
00215 // constants for traveled distance calculation: SPACE_ENC_4X in mm
00216 // see [2] in descrEng.exe in dsPID folder
00217 long double Ksp[2];
00218 float Axle;// base width, distance between center of the wheels
00219 float SemiAxle;// Axle/2 useful for odometry calculation
00220 float SemiAxle; // Axle / 2
00221 int SpTick[2] = {0,0};  // distance traveled by a wheel as encoder pulses
00223 float Spmm[2] = {0,0};  // distance traveled by a wheel as mm(SpTick[x]*Ksp[x])
00224 float Space = 0;                // total distance traveled by the robot
00225 #define SPMIN 0.01              // Minimum value to perform odometry
00226 float CosPrev = 1;              // previous value for Cos(ThetaMes)
00227 float SinPrev = 0;              // previous value for Sin(ThetaMes)
00228 float PosXmes = 0;              // current X position coordinate
00229 float PosYmes = 0;              // current Y position coordinate
00230 float ThetaMes = 0;             // Current orientation angle
00231 // #define PI     3.1415926536 180�
00232 #define TWOPI 6.2831853072      // 360�
00233 #define HALFPI 1.570796327      // 90�
00234 #define QUARTPI 0.7853981634// 45�
00236 long Vel[2];    // speed in m/s  << 15 (long) for PID1 and PID2
00238 // PID [19d]
00239 tPID PIDstruct1;
00240 fractional abcCoefficient1[3] __attribute__ ((section (".xbss, bss, xmemory")));
00241 fractional controlHistory1[3] __attribute__ ((section (".ybss, bss, ymemory")));
00242 fractional kCoeffs1[] = {0,0,0};
00243 #define KP1 kCoeffs1[0]
00244 #define KI1 kCoeffs1[1]
00245 #define KD1 kCoeffs1[2]
00246 #define PID_OUT1 PIDstruct1.controlOutput
00247 #define PID_MES1 PIDstruct1.measuredOutput
00248 #define PID_REF1 PIDstruct1.controlReference
00250 tPID PIDstruct2;
00251 fractional abcCoefficient2[3] __attribute__ ((section (".xbss, bss, xmemory")));
00252 fractional controlHistory2[3] __attribute__ ((section (".ybss, bss, ymemory")));
00253 fractional kCoeffs2[] = {0,0,0};
00254 #define KP2 kCoeffs2[0]
00255 #define KI2 kCoeffs2[1]
00256 #define KD2 kCoeffs2[2]
00257 #define PID_OUT2 PIDstruct2.controlOutput
00258 #define PID_MES2 PIDstruct2.measuredOutput
00259 #define PID_REF2 PIDstruct2.controlReference
00261 #define RAMP_FLAG1 VARbits1.bit6        // acc/dec-eleration flag
00262 #define RAMP_T_FLAG1 VARbits1.bit7      // acc/dec-eleration direction
00263 #define RAMP_FLAG2 VARbits1.bit1        // acc/dec-eleration flag
00264 #define RAMP_T_FLAG2 VARbits1.bit15     // acc/dec-eleration direction
00265 fractional VelFin[2] = {0,0};           // temp for speed during acceleration   
00266 //#define ACC 0.00025                           // acceleration
00267 //#define DEC 0.0005                            // deceleration
00268   #define ACC 0.00005                           // acceleration
00269   #define DEC 0.001                                     // deceleration
00271 fractional Ramp1;                                       // acc/dec-eleration ramp slope
00272 fractional Ramp2;                                       // acc/dec-eleration ramp slope
00274 int Curr[2] = {0,0};                            // motor current
00276 /* Field mapping, regular size*/
00277 #define CELL_SIZE 100           // Dimension of grid cell side in mm
00278 #define MAP_SIZE 15000          // Abs Dimension of field (X = Y) in mm
00279 #define HALF_MAP_SIZE 7500      // + - Dimension of field (X = Y) in mm
00280 #define VAR_PER_BYTE 2          // # of cell var per byte
00282 // ATTENTION when updating matrix size values, update as well the 
00283 //      equivalent values on dsNavConsole software code
00284 #define X_SIZE 75 // (MAP_SIZE/CELL_SIZE/VAR_PER_BYTE) MAX X array index
00285 #define Y_SIZE 150 //(MAP_SIZE/CELL_SIZE) MAX Y array index
00286 #define X_POINT_MAX 150 // [22g]
00287 #define X_POINT_MIN 0   // [22g]
00288 #define Y_POINT_MAX 150 // [22g]
00289 #define Y_POINT_MIN 0   // [22g]
00291 /*Field mapping, regular size */
00293 /* Field mapping =========== FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ==================
00294         because MPLAB watch window becomes extremely slow with a big array
00295         of struct, during debugging this array must be decresead in size
00296 #define CELL_SIZE 100           // Dimension of grid cell side in mm
00297 #define MAP_SIZE 5000           // Abs Dimension of field (X = Y) in mm
00298 #define HALF_MAP_SIZE 2500      // + - Dimension of field (X = Y) in mm
00299 #define VAR_PER_BYTE 2          // # of cell var per byte
00301 // ATTENTION when updating matrix size values, update as well the 
00302 //      equivalent values on dsNavConsole software code
00303 #define X_SIZE 25 // (MAP_SIZE/CELL_SIZE/VAR_PER_BYTE) MAX X array index
00304 #define Y_SIZE 50 //(MAP_SIZE/CELL_SIZE) MAX Y array index
00305 #define X_POINT_MAX 50 // [22g]
00306 #define X_POINT_MIN 0  // [22g]
00307 #define Y_POINT_MAX 50 // [22g]
00308 #define Y_POINT_MIN 0  // [22g]
00309 Field mapping =========== FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ==================*/
00311 int Xshift = 0; // [22g]
00312 int Yshift = 0; // [22g]
00314 typedef struct
00315 {
00316         unsigned char nib:4;
00317 }
00318 nibble;
00320 typedef union
00321 {
00322         unsigned char UC;
00323         struct
00324         {
00325                 unsigned char nib0:4;
00326                 unsigned char nib1:4;
00327         }TN;
00328 }PackedBit;
00330 void SetMap(int Xpoint, int Ypoint, nibble *CellVal);
00332 PackedBit MapXY[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE];        // to store field mapping [22b]
00334 // unsigned char MapXY[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE]; // to store field mapping [22b]
00335 int XindxPrev=10000;            // previous X index 
00336 int YindxPrev=10000;            // previous Y index 
00337 #define SPACE_FLAG VARbits1.bit2
00338 float MaxMapX = HALF_MAP_SIZE;  // current field limits
00339 float MinMapX = -HALF_MAP_SIZE;
00340 float MaxMapY = HALF_MAP_SIZE;
00341 float MinMapY = -HALF_MAP_SIZE;
00342 #define MAP_SEND_FLAG VOLbits1.bit4     // to send map to console
00343 #define MAP_BUFF_FLAG VOLbits1.bit5 // to send another map grid row
00344 unsigned char MapSendIndx;
00346 // Angle PID [23]
00347 tPID AnglePIDstruct;
00348 fractional AngleabcCoefficient[3] 
00349         __attribute__ ((section (".xbss, bss, xmemory")));
00350 fractional AnglecontrolHistory[3] 
00351         __attribute__ ((section (".ybss, bss, ymemory")));
00352 fractional AngleKCoeffs[] = {0,0,0};
00353 #define ANGLE_KP AngleKCoeffs[0]                                                // K parameters
00354 #define ANGLE_KI AngleKCoeffs[1]
00355 #define ANGLE_KD AngleKCoeffs[2]
00356 #define ANGLE_PID_DES AnglePIDstruct.controlReference   // desired angle
00357 #define ANGLE_PID_MES AnglePIDstruct.measuredOutput             // measured angle
00358 #define ANGLE_PID_OUT AnglePIDstruct.controlOutput              // PID output
00359 #define MAX_ROT_SPEED 512       // MAX speed (+ or -) of wheels during rotation
00360 #define RAD2DEG 57.295779513    // = 180/PI
00361 #define DEG2RAD 0.0174532925    // = PI/180
00362 float ThetaDes = 0;     // desired orientation angle (set point) [23] (Rad)
00363 float ThetaDesRef;      // to temporarely store angle (Rad)
00364 int AngleCmp;           // compass bearing from sensors board (Deg * 10)
00365 #define ORIENTATION_FLAG VARbits1.bit3  // to control Orientation() execution
00366 #define ANGLE_OK_FLAG VARbits1.bit12    // target angle reached
00367 #define MIN_THETA_ERR DEG2RAD   // acceptable angle error in radians = 1�
00369 // **debug**
00370 // unsigned char ErrNo[2][16];  // store the occurrence of any kind of error 
00371 // unsigned char ErrNo2[16];    // for both MCs and for RX2
00372 // **debug**
00374 // Distance [24]
00375 // field boundaries in mm. Diagonal is 10m
00376 #define BOUND_X_MIN -7070               // left bottom
00377 #define BOUND_Y_MIN -7070
00378 #define BOUND_X_MAX 7070        // top right
00379 #define BOUND_Y_MAX 7070
00381 #define BOUND_FREE 500          // if close to goal don't care of boundaries
00382 #define OBST_THRESHOLD 1500.00 // if far enough don't care of obstacles
00383 #define OBST_MIN_DIST 50      // if too close another avoiding procedure
00385 #define OBST_FIELD 13   // obstacle visibility (13 cells around robot)
00386 #define TABLE_SIZE 16   // precomputed table dimension (16 cells around robot)
00388 // Table to compute Y component for the repulsive vectors [24e]
00389 float VffTableY[33][33] __attribute__((space(auto_psv)))=
00390 {
00391 {-1.38,-1.42,-1.46,-1.48,-1.5,-1.5,-1.49,-1.45,-1.4,-1.31,-1.2,-1.06,-0.89,-0.7,-0.48,-0.24,0,0.24,0.48,0.7,0.89,1.06,1.2,1.31,1.4,1.45,1.49,1.5,1.5,1.48,1.46,1.42,1.38},
00392 {-1.52,-1.57,-1.62,-1.66,-1.69,-1.71,-1.71,-1.68,-1.63,-1.54,-1.42,-1.26,-1.07,-0.84,-0.58,-0.29,0,0.29,0.58,0.84,1.07,1.26,1.42,1.54,1.63,1.68,1.71,1.71,1.69,1.66,1.62,1.57,1.52},
00393 {-1.66,-1.74,-1.8,-1.86,-1.91,-1.95,-1.96,-1.95,-1.91,-1.83,-1.7,-1.52,-1.3,-1.02,-0.71,-0.36,0,0.36,0.71,1.02,1.3,1.52,1.7,1.83,1.91,1.95,1.96,1.95,1.91,1.86,1.8,1.74,1.66},
00394 {-1.83,-1.92,-2.01,-2.09,-2.17,-2.23,-2.27,-2.28,-2.25,-2.17,-2.04,-1.85,-1.59,-1.26,-0.88,-0.45,0,0.45,0.88,1.26,1.59,1.85,2.04,2.17,2.25,2.28,2.27,2.23,2.17,2.09,2.01,1.92,1.83},
00395 {-2,-2.12,-2.23,-2.35,-2.46,-2.55,-2.62,-2.67,-2.67,-2.61,-2.48,-2.28,-1.98,-1.59,-1.11,-0.57,0,0.57,1.11,1.59,1.98,2.28,2.48,2.61,2.67,2.67,2.62,2.55,2.46,2.35,2.23,2.12,2},
00396 {-2.19,-2.33,-2.48,-2.63,-2.78,-2.92,-3.04,-3.13,-3.18,-3.16,-3.05,-2.83,-2.49,-2.02,-1.43,-0.74,0,0.74,1.43,2.02,2.49,2.83,3.05,3.16,3.18,3.13,3.04,2.92,2.78,2.63,2.48,2.33,2.19},
00397 {-2.38,-2.56,-2.75,-2.95,-3.15,-3.35,-3.54,-3.7,-3.81,-3.85,-3.78,-3.58,-3.2,-2.64,-1.89,-0.99,0,0.99,1.89,2.64,3.2,3.58,3.78,3.85,3.81,3.7,3.54,3.35,3.15,2.95,2.75,2.56,2.38},
00398 {-2.59,-2.8,-3.04,-3.29,-3.56,-3.83,-4.11,-4.36,-4.58,-4.72,-4.74,-4.58,-4.19,-3.51,-2.55,-1.35,0,1.35,2.55,3.51,4.19,4.58,4.74,4.72,4.58,4.36,4.11,3.83,3.56,3.29,3.04,2.8,2.59},
00399 {-2.8,-3.05,-3.34,-3.66,-4,-4.37,-4.76,-5.15,-5.52,-5.83,-6,-5.96,-5.59,-4.81,-3.57,-1.91,0,1.91,3.57,4.81,5.59,5.96,6,5.83,5.52,5.15,4.76,4.37,4,3.66,3.34,3.05,2.8},
00400 {-3,-3.31,-3.65,-4.04,-4.48,-4.96,-5.5,-6.07,-6.66,-7.22,-7.66,-7.85,-7.63,-6.79,-5.18,-2.83,0,2.83,5.18,6.79,7.63,7.85,7.66,7.22,6.66,6.07,5.5,4.96,4.48,4.04,3.65,3.31,3},
00401 {-3.21,-3.56,-3.96,-4.43,-4.97,-5.59,-6.31,-7.11,-8,-8.93,-9.82,-10.49,-10.67,-9.94,-7.91,-4.44,0,4.44,7.91,9.94,10.67,10.49,9.82,8.93,8,7.11,6.31,5.59,4.97,4.43,3.96,3.56,3.21},
00402 {-3.4,-3.79,-4.26,-4.81,-5.46,-6.24,-7.16,-8.25,-9.53,-11,-12.59,-14.14,-15.24,-15.13,-12.81,-7.54,0,7.54,12.81,15.13,15.24,14.14,12.59,11,9.53,8.25,7.16,6.24,5.46,4.81,4.26,3.79,3.4},
00403 {-3.57,-4.01,-4.54,-5.17,-5.93,-6.86,-8,-9.42,-11.18,-13.36,-16,-19.05,-22.1,-24,-22.36,-14.27,0,14.27,22.36,24,22.1,19.05,16,13.36,11.18,9.42,8,6.86,5.93,5.17,4.54,4.01,3.57},
00404 {-3.71,-4.19,-4.77,-5.47,-6.34,-7.42,-8.79,-10.54,-12.83,-15.85,-19.88,-25.22,-32,-39.28,-42.67,-31.62,0,31.62,42.67,39.28,32,25.22,19.88,15.85,12.83,10.54,8.79,7.42,6.34,5.47,4.77,4.19,3.71},
00405 {-3.82,-4.33,-4.95,-5.71,-6.66,-7.87,-9.43,-11.48,-14.27,-18.14,-23.72,-32.02,-44.72,-64,-88.39,-89.44,0,89.44,88.39,64,44.72,32.02,23.72,18.14,14.27,11.48,9.43,7.87,6.66,5.71,4.95,4.33,3.82},
00406 {-3.88,-4.41,-5.06,-5.87,-6.87,-8.16,-9.85,-12.12,-15.27,-19.8,-26.66,-37.71,-57.07,-94.87,-178.89,-353.55,0,353.55,178.89,94.87,57.07,37.71,26.66,19.8,15.27,12.12,9.85,8.16,6.87,5.87,5.06,4.41,3.88},
00407 {-3.91,-4.44,-5.1,-5.92,-6.94,-8.26,-10,-12.35,-15.63,-20.41,-27.78,-40,-62.5,-111.11,-250,-1000,0,1000,250,111.11,62.5,40,27.78,20.41,15.63,12.35,10,8.26,6.94,5.92,5.1,4.44,3.91},
00408 {-3.88,-4.41,-5.06,-5.87,-6.87,-8.16,-9.85,-12.12,-15.27,-19.8,-26.66,-37.71,-57.07,-94.87,-178.89,-353.55,0,353.55,178.89,94.87,57.07,37.71,26.66,19.8,15.27,12.12,9.85,8.16,6.87,5.87,5.06,4.41,3.88},
00409 {-3.82,-4.33,-4.95,-5.71,-6.66,-7.87,-9.43,-11.48,-14.27,-18.14,-23.72,-32.02,-44.72,-64,-88.39,-89.44,0,89.44,88.39,64,44.72,32.02,23.72,18.14,14.27,11.48,9.43,7.87,6.66,5.71,4.95,4.33,3.82},
00410 {-3.71,-4.19,-4.77,-5.47,-6.34,-7.42,-8.79,-10.54,-12.83,-15.85,-19.88,-25.22,-32,-39.28,-42.67,-31.62,0,31.62,42.67,39.28,32,25.22,19.88,15.85,12.83,10.54,8.79,7.42,6.34,5.47,4.77,4.19,3.71},
00411 {-3.57,-4.01,-4.54,-5.17,-5.93,-6.86,-8,-9.42,-11.18,-13.36,-16,-19.05,-22.1,-24,-22.36,-14.27,0,14.27,22.36,24,22.1,19.05,16,13.36,11.18,9.42,8,6.86,5.93,5.17,4.54,4.01,3.57},
00412 {-3.4,-3.79,-4.26,-4.81,-5.46,-6.24,-7.16,-8.25,-9.53,-11,-12.59,-14.14,-15.24,-15.13,-12.81,-7.54,0,7.54,12.81,15.13,15.24,14.14,12.59,11,9.53,8.25,7.16,6.24,5.46,4.81,4.26,3.79,3.4},
00413 {-3.21,-3.56,-3.96,-4.43,-4.97,-5.59,-6.31,-7.11,-8,-8.93,-9.82,-10.49,-10.67,-9.94,-7.91,-4.44,0,4.44,7.91,9.94,10.67,10.49,9.82,8.93,8,7.11,6.31,5.59,4.97,4.43,3.96,3.56,3.21},
00414 {-3,-3.31,-3.65,-4.04,-4.48,-4.96,-5.5,-6.07,-6.66,-7.22,-7.66,-7.85,-7.63,-6.79,-5.18,-2.83,0,2.83,5.18,6.79,7.63,7.85,7.66,7.22,6.66,6.07,5.5,4.96,4.48,4.04,3.65,3.31,3},
00415 {-2.8,-3.05,-3.34,-3.66,-4,-4.37,-4.76,-5.15,-5.52,-5.83,-6,-5.96,-5.59,-4.81,-3.57,-1.91,0,1.91,3.57,4.81,5.59,5.96,6,5.83,5.52,5.15,4.76,4.37,4,3.66,3.34,3.05,2.8},
00416 {-2.59,-2.8,-3.04,-3.29,-3.56,-3.83,-4.11,-4.36,-4.58,-4.72,-4.74,-4.58,-4.19,-3.51,-2.55,-1.35,0,1.35,2.55,3.51,4.19,4.58,4.74,4.72,4.58,4.36,4.11,3.83,3.56,3.29,3.04,2.8,2.59},
00417 {-2.38,-2.56,-2.75,-2.95,-3.15,-3.35,-3.54,-3.7,-3.81,-3.85,-3.78,-3.58,-3.2,-2.64,-1.89,-0.99,0,0.99,1.89,2.64,3.2,3.58,3.78,3.85,3.81,3.7,3.54,3.35,3.15,2.95,2.75,2.56,2.38},
00418 {-2.19,-2.33,-2.48,-2.63,-2.78,-2.92,-3.04,-3.13,-3.18,-3.16,-3.05,-2.83,-2.49,-2.02,-1.43,-0.74,0,0.74,1.43,2.02,2.49,2.83,3.05,3.16,3.18,3.13,3.04,2.92,2.78,2.63,2.48,2.33,2.19},
00419 {-2,-2.12,-2.23,-2.35,-2.46,-2.55,-2.62,-2.67,-2.67,-2.61,-2.48,-2.28,-1.98,-1.59,-1.11,-0.57,0,0.57,1.11,1.59,1.98,2.28,2.48,2.61,2.67,2.67,2.62,2.55,2.46,2.35,2.23,2.12,2},
00420 {-1.83,-1.92,-2.01,-2.09,-2.17,-2.23,-2.27,-2.28,-2.25,-2.17,-2.04,-1.85,-1.59,-1.26,-0.88,-0.45,0,0.45,0.88,1.26,1.59,1.85,2.04,2.17,2.25,2.28,2.27,2.23,2.17,2.09,2.01,1.92,1.83},
00421 {-1.66,-1.74,-1.8,-1.86,-1.91,-1.95,-1.96,-1.95,-1.91,-1.83,-1.7,-1.52,-1.3,-1.02,-0.71,-0.36,0,0.36,0.71,1.02,1.3,1.52,1.7,1.83,1.91,1.95,1.96,1.95,1.91,1.86,1.8,1.74,1.66},
00422 {-1.52,-1.57,-1.62,-1.66,-1.69,-1.71,-1.71,-1.68,-1.63,-1.54,-1.42,-1.26,-1.07,-0.84,-0.58,-0.29,0,0.29,0.58,0.84,1.07,1.26,1.42,1.54,1.63,1.68,1.71,1.71,1.69,1.66,1.62,1.57,1.52},
00423 {-1.38,-1.42,-1.46,-1.48,-1.5,-1.5,-1.49,-1.45,-1.4,-1.31,-1.2,-1.06,-0.89,-0.7,-0.48,-0.24,0,0.24,0.48,0.7,0.89,1.06,1.2,1.31,1.4,1.45,1.49,1.5,1.5,1.48,1.46,1.42,1.38}
00424 } ;//in program memory space
00426 // Table to compute X component for the repulsive vectors [24e]
00427 float VffTableX[33][33] __attribute__((space(auto_psv)))=
00428 {
00429 {-1.38,-1.52,-1.66,-1.83,-2.00,-2.19,-2.38,-2.59,-2.80,-3.00,-3.21,-3.40,-3.57,-3.71,-3.82,-3.88,-3.91,-3.88,-3.82,-3.71,-3.57,-3.40,-3.21,-3.00,-2.80,-2.59,-2.38,-2.19,-2.00,-1.83,-1.66,-1.52,-1.38},
00430 {-1.42,-1.57,-1.74,-1.92,-2.12,-2.33,-2.56,-2.80,-3.05,-3.31,-3.56,-3.79,-4.01,-4.19,-4.33,-4.41,-4.44,-4.41,-4.33,-4.19,-4.01,-3.79,-3.56,-3.31,-3.05,-2.80,-2.56,-2.33,-2.12,-1.92,-1.74,-1.57,-1.42},
00431 {-1.46,-1.62,-1.80,-2.01,-2.23,-2.48,-2.75,-3.04,-3.34,-3.65,-3.96,-4.26,-4.54,-4.77,-4.95,-5.06,-5.10,-5.06,-4.95,-4.77,-4.54,-4.26,-3.96,-3.65,-3.34,-3.04,-2.75,-2.48,-2.23,-2.01,-1.80,-1.62,-1.46},
00432 {-1.48,-1.66,-1.86,-2.09,-2.35,-2.63,-2.95,-3.29,-3.66,-4.04,-4.43,-4.81,-5.17,-5.47,-5.71,-5.87,-5.92,-5.87,-5.71,-5.47,-5.17,-4.81,-4.43,-4.04,-3.66,-3.29,-2.95,-2.63,-2.35,-2.09,-1.86,-1.66,-1.48},
00433 {-1.50,-1.69,-1.91,-2.17,-2.46,-2.78,-3.15,-3.56,-4.00,-4.48,-4.97,-5.46,-5.93,-6.34,-6.66,-6.87,-6.94,-6.87,-6.66,-6.34,-5.93,-5.46,-4.97,-4.48,-4.00,-3.56,-3.15,-2.78,-2.46,-2.17,-1.91,-1.69,-1.50},
00434 {-1.50,-1.71,-1.95,-2.23,-2.55,-2.92,-3.35,-3.83,-4.37,-4.96,-5.59,-6.24,-6.86,-7.42,-7.87,-8.16,-8.26,-8.16,-7.87,-7.42,-6.86,-6.24,-5.59,-4.96,-4.37,-3.83,-3.35,-2.92,-2.55,-2.23,-1.95,-1.71,-1.50},
00435 {-1.49,-1.71,-1.96,-2.27,-2.62,-3.04,-3.54,-4.11,-4.76,-5.50,-6.31,-7.16,-8.00,-8.79,-9.43,-9.85,-10.00,-9.85,-9.43,-8.79,-8.00,-7.16,-6.31,-5.50,-4.76,-4.11,-3.54,-3.04,-2.62,-2.27,-1.96,-1.71,-1.49},
00436 {-1.45,-1.68,-1.95,-2.28,-2.67,-3.13,-3.70,-4.36,-5.15,-6.07,-7.11,-8.25,-9.42,-10.54,-11.48,-12.12,-12.35,-12.12,-11.48,-10.54,-9.42,-8.25,-7.11,-6.07,-5.15,-4.36,-3.70,-3.13,-2.67,-2.28,-1.95,-1.68,-1.45},
00437 {-1.40,-1.63,-1.91,-2.25,-2.67,-3.18,-3.81,-4.58,-5.52,-6.66,-8.00,-9.53,-11.18,-12.83,-14.27,-15.27,-15.63,-15.27,-14.27,-12.83,-11.18,-9.53,-8.00,-6.66,-5.52,-4.58,-3.81,-3.18,-2.67,-2.25,-1.91,-1.63,-1.40},
00438 {-1.31,-1.54,-1.83,-2.17,-2.61,-3.16,-3.85,-4.72,-5.83,-7.22,-8.93,-11.00,-13.36,-15.85,-18.14,-19.80,-20.41,-19.80,-18.14,-15.85,-13.36,-11.00,-8.93,-7.22,-5.83,-4.72,-3.85,-3.16,-2.61,-2.17,-1.83,-1.54,-1.31},
00439 {-1.20,-1.42,-1.70,-2.04,-2.48,-3.05,-3.78,-4.74,-6.00,-7.66,-9.82,-12.59,-16.00,-19.88,-23.72,-26.66,-27.78,-26.66,-23.72,-19.88,-16.00,-12.59,-9.82,-7.66,-6.00,-4.74,-3.78,-3.05,-2.48,-2.04,-1.70,-1.42,-1.20},
00440 {-1.06,-1.26,-1.52,-1.85,-2.28,-2.83,-3.58,-4.58,-5.96,-7.85,-10.49,-14.14,-19.05,-25.22,-32.02,-37.71,-40.00,-37.71,-32.02,-25.22,-19.05,-14.14,-10.49,-7.85,-5.96,-4.58,-3.58,-2.83,-2.28,-1.85,-1.52,-1.26,-1.06},
00441 {-0.89,-1.07,-1.30,-1.59,-1.98,-2.49,-3.20,-4.19,-5.59,-7.63,-10.67,-15.24,-22.10,-32.00,-44.72,-57.07,-62.50,-57.07,-44.72,-32.00,-22.10,-15.24,-10.67,-7.63,-5.59,-4.19,-3.20,-2.49,-1.98,-1.59,-1.30,-1.07,-0.89},
00442 {-0.70,-0.84,-1.02,-1.26,-1.59,-2.02,-2.64,-3.51,-4.81,-6.79,-9.94,-15.13,-24.00,-39.28,-64.00,-94.87,-111.11,-94.87,-64.00,-39.28,-24.00,-15.13,-9.94,-6.79,-4.81,-3.51,-2.64,-2.02,-1.59,-1.26,-1.02,-0.84,-0.70},
00443 {-0.48,-0.58,-0.71,-0.88,-1.11,-1.43,-1.89,-2.55,-3.57,-5.18,-7.91,-12.81,-22.36,-42.67,-88.39,-178.89,-250.00,-178.89,-88.39,-42.67,-22.36,-12.81,-7.91,-5.18,-3.57,-2.55,-1.89,-1.43,-1.11,-0.88,-0.71,-0.58,-0.48},
00444 {-0.24,-0.29,-0.36,-0.45,-0.57,-0.74,-0.99,-1.35,-1.91,-2.83,-4.44,-7.54,-14.27,-31.62,-89.44,-353.55,-1000.00,-353.55,-89.44,-31.62,-14.27,-7.54,-4.44,-2.83,-1.91,-1.35,-0.99,-0.74,-0.57,-0.45,-0.36,-0.29,-0.24},
00445 {0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00},
00446 {0.24,0.29,0.36,0.45,0.57,0.74,0.99,1.35,1.91,2.83,4.44,7.54,14.27,31.62,89.44,353.55,1000.00,353.55,89.44,31.62,14.27,7.54,4.44,2.83,1.91,1.35,0.99,0.74,0.57,0.45,0.36,0.29,0.24},
00447 {0.48,0.58,0.71,0.88,1.11,1.43,1.89,2.55,3.57,5.18,7.91,12.81,22.36,42.67,88.39,178.89,250.00,178.89,88.39,42.67,22.36,12.81,7.91,5.18,3.57,2.55,1.89,1.43,1.11,0.88,0.71,0.58,0.48},
00448 {0.70,0.84,1.02,1.26,1.59,2.02,2.64,3.51,4.81,6.79,9.94,15.13,24.00,39.28,64.00,94.87,111.11,94.87,64.00,39.28,24.00,15.13,9.94,6.79,4.81,3.51,2.64,2.02,1.59,1.26,1.02,0.84,0.70},
00449 {0.89,1.07,1.30,1.59,1.98,2.49,3.20,4.19,5.59,7.63,10.67,15.24,22.10,32.00,44.72,57.07,62.50,57.07,44.72,32.00,22.10,15.24,10.67,7.63,5.59,4.19,3.20,2.49,1.98,1.59,1.30,1.07,0.89},
00450 {1.06,1.26,1.52,1.85,2.28,2.83,3.58,4.58,5.96,7.85,10.49,14.14,19.05,25.22,32.02,37.71,40.00,37.71,32.02,25.22,19.05,14.14,10.49,7.85,5.96,4.58,3.58,2.83,2.28,1.85,1.52,1.26,1.06},
00451 {1.20,1.42,1.70,2.04,2.48,3.05,3.78,4.74,6.00,7.66,9.82,12.59,16.00,19.88,23.72,26.66,27.78,26.66,23.72,19.88,16.00,12.59,9.82,7.66,6.00,4.74,3.78,3.05,2.48,2.04,1.70,1.42,1.20},
00452 {1.31,1.54,1.83,2.17,2.61,3.16,3.85,4.72,5.83,7.22,8.93,11.00,13.36,15.85,18.14,19.80,20.41,19.80,18.14,15.85,13.36,11.00,8.93,7.22,5.83,4.72,3.85,3.16,2.61,2.17,1.83,1.54,1.31},
00453 {1.40,1.63,1.91,2.25,2.67,3.18,3.81,4.58,5.52,6.66,8.00,9.53,11.18,12.83,14.27,15.27,15.63,15.27,14.27,12.83,11.18,9.53,8.00,6.66,5.52,4.58,3.81,3.18,2.67,2.25,1.91,1.63,1.40},
00454 {1.45,1.68,1.95,2.28,2.67,3.13,3.70,4.36,5.15,6.07,7.11,8.25,9.42,10.54,11.48,12.12,12.35,12.12,11.48,10.54,9.42,8.25,7.11,6.07,5.15,4.36,3.70,3.13,2.67,2.28,1.95,1.68,1.45},
00455 {1.49,1.71,1.96,2.27,2.62,3.04,3.54,4.11,4.76,5.50,6.31,7.16,8.00,8.79,9.43,9.85,10.00,9.85,9.43,8.79,8.00,7.16,6.31,5.50,4.76,4.11,3.54,3.04,2.62,2.27,1.96,1.71,1.49},
00456 {1.50,1.71,1.95,2.23,2.55,2.92,3.35,3.83,4.37,4.96,5.59,6.24,6.86,7.42,7.87,8.16,8.26,8.16,7.87,7.42,6.86,6.24,5.59,4.96,4.37,3.83,3.35,2.92,2.55,2.23,1.95,1.71,1.50},
00457 {1.50,1.69,1.91,2.17,2.46,2.78,3.15,3.56,4.00,4.48,4.97,5.46,5.93,6.34,6.66,6.87,6.94,6.87,6.66,6.34,5.93,5.46,4.97,4.48,4.00,3.56,3.15,2.78,2.46,2.17,1.91,1.69,1.50},
00458 {1.48,1.66,1.86,2.09,2.35,2.63,2.95,3.29,3.66,4.04,4.43,4.81,5.17,5.47,5.71,5.87,5.92,5.87,5.71,5.47,5.17,4.81,4.43,4.04,3.66,3.29,2.95,2.63,2.35,2.09,1.86,1.66,1.48},
00459 {1.46,1.62,1.80,2.01,2.23,2.48,2.75,3.04,3.34,3.65,3.96,4.26,4.54,4.77,4.95,5.06,5.10,5.06,4.95,4.77,4.54,4.26,3.96,3.65,3.34,3.04,2.75,2.48,2.23,2.01,1.80,1.62,1.46},
00460 {1.42,1.57,1.74,1.92,2.12,2.33,2.56,2.80,3.05,3.31,3.56,3.79,4.01,4.19,4.33,4.41,4.44,4.41,4.33,4.19,4.01,3.79,3.56,3.31,3.05,2.80,2.56,2.33,2.12,1.92,1.74,1.57,1.42},
00461 {1.38,1.52,1.66,1.83,2.00,2.19,2.38,2.59,2.80,3.00,3.21,3.40,3.57,3.71,3.82,3.88,3.91,3.88,3.82,3.71,3.57,3.40,3.21,3.00,2.80,2.59,2.38,2.19,2.00,1.83,1.66,1.52,1.38}
00462 } ;//in program memory space
00464 float VObX[3];  // relative position of obstacles
00465 float VObY[3];
00467 tPID DistPIDstruct;
00468 fractional DistabcCoefficient[3] 
00469         __attribute__ ((section (".xbss, bss, xmemory")));
00470 fractional DistcontrolHistory[3] 
00471         __attribute__ ((section (".ybss, bss, ymemory")));
00472 fractional DistKCoeffs[] = {0,0,0};
00473 #define DIST_KP DistKCoeffs[0]                                          // K parameters
00474 #define DIST_KI DistKCoeffs[1]
00475 #define DIST_KD DistKCoeffs[2]
00476 #define DIST_PID_DES DistPIDstruct.controlReference     // desired distance
00477 #define DIST_PID_MES DistPIDstruct.measuredOutput       // measured distance
00478 #define DIST_PID_OUT DistPIDstruct.controlOutput        // PID output
00480 #define DIST_ENABLE_FLAG VARbits1.bit14                 // compute distance if enabled
00481 float PosXdes = 0;              // desired X position coordinate
00482 float PosYdes = 0;              // desired Y position coordinate
00483 #define MIN_GOAL_DIST 450       // if less then decrease speed proportionally
00484 float VelDecr;  // multiplied by VelDesM correct the speed [24d]
00486 #define DIST_OK_FLAG VARbits1.bit11     // target distance reached
00487 #define MIN_DIST_ERR 3                          // acceptable distance error in mm
00489 // slower cycles setting [13]   
00490 volatile unsigned char Cycle1;
00491 volatile unsigned char Cycle2;
00492 #define CYCLE1_FLAG VOLbits1.bit2
00493 #define CYCLE2_FLAG VOLbits1.bit3
00494 #define CICLE1_TMO 10           // starts first cycle every Xms
00495 #define CICLE2_TMO 5            // starts second cycle every N first cycle times
00497 // Idle time [25]
00498 unsigned long IdleCount = 0;    // how many times it executes main loop
00499 volatile unsigned long IdleSample=0;//sampling time to compute idle percentage
00500 #define IDLE_CYCLE 20   
00501 // LOOP_TIME = CICLE1_TMO * CICLE2_TMO  = 50ms  
00502 // so -> IDLE_SAMPLE_TIME = LOOP_TIME * IDLE_CYCLE = 1000ms 
00503 // in order to have percentage as int IDLE_SAMPLE_TIME * 10,000
00504 #define IDLE_SAMPLE_TIME 10000000
00505 // time in ns to execute main without any call
00506 // measured with stopwatch in SIM [25a]
00507 #define IDLE_TIME_PERIOD 3000   // without optimizations
00508 // #define IDLE_TIME_PERIOD 2225        // with optimizations 3
00509 // #define IDLE_TIME_PERIOD 2525        // with optimizations s
00511 int IdlePerc;                             // idle percentage
00513 volatile unsigned int BlinkPeriod ;     // LED1 blinking period (ms)
00514 unsigned int BlinkOn;           // LED1 on time (ms)
00515 #define NORM_BLINK_PER 1000     // Period for OK condition
00516 #define NORM_BLINK_ON   200     // ON TIME for OK condition
00517 #define K_ERR_BLINK_PER 4000// Period for ERR condition
00518 #define K_ERR_BLINK_ON 2000     // ON TIME for ERR condition
00521 int ErrCode;                            // Error Code
00523 #define CONSOLE_DEBUG VARbits1.bit13 // [30]
00525 int VelInt[2];                  // speed in mm/s as an integer
00527 // Scheduler
00528 unsigned char SchedPtr = 0;     // point to current step into the sequence
00529 #define SCHED_ANGLE_FLAG VARbits1.bit8  // wait for target angle
00530 #define SCHED_DIST_FLAG VARbits1.bit0   // wait for target distance
00532 /*
00533 // sequence array initialized for a 360� turn cw in 4 steps
00534 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00535                                                                 {3,0,90,0},
00536                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00537                                                                 {3,0,180,0},
00538                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00539                                                                 {3,0,270,0},
00540                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00541                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00542                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00543                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00544                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00545                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00546                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00547                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00548                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00549                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00550 */
00551 /*
00552 // sequence array initialized for a 360� turn ccw in 4 steps
00553 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00554                                                                 {3,0,270,0},
00555                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00556                                                                 {3,0,180,0},
00557                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00558                                                                 {3,0,90,0},
00559                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00560                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00561                                                                 {6,50,0,0},
00562                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00563                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00564                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00565                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00566                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00567                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00568                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00569 */                                                                                                                              
00571 // sequence array initialized for a mini UMBmark of 1m x 1m CW
00572 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00573                                                                 {4,0,0,1000},
00574                                                                 {5,300,0,1000},
00575                                                                 {4,0,1000,1000},
00576                                                                 {5,300,1000,1000},
00577                                                                 {4,0,1000,0},
00578                                                                 {5,300,1000,0},
00579                                                                 {4,0,0,0},
00580                                                                 {5,300,0,0},
00581                                                                 {6,80,0,0},
00582                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00583                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00584                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00585                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00586                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00587                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };    
00589 /*
00590 // sequence array initialized for a mini UMBmark of 2.5m x 3.5m CCW
00591 // point the robot to 90�
00592 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00593                                                                 {4,0,0,2500},
00594                                                                 {5,300,0,2500},
00595                                                                 {4,0,-3500,2500},
00596                                                                 {5,300,-3500,2500},
00597                                                                 {4,0,-3500,0},
00598                                                                 {5,300,-3500,0},
00599                                                                 {4,0,0,0},
00600                                                                 {5,300,0,0},
00601                                                                 {6,80,0,0},
00602                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00603                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00604                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00605                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00606                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00607                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00608 */                                              
00609 /*                                                              
00610 // sequence array initialized for a maxi UMBmark of 4m forward
00611 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00612                                                                 {4,0,0,4000},
00613                                                                 {5,300,0,4000},
00614                                                                 {4,0,4000,4000},
00615                                                                 {5,300,4000,4000},
00616                                                                 {4,0,4000,0},
00617                                                                 {5,300,4000,0},
00618                                                                 {4,0,0,0},
00619                                                                 {5,300,0,0},
00620                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00621                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00622                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00623                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00624                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00625                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00626                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00627 */                                                              
00628 /*
00629 // sequence array initialized for a UMBmark of 4m reward
00630 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00631                                                                 {4,0,4000,0},
00632                                                                 {5,300,4000,0},
00633                                                                 {4,0,4000,4000},
00634                                                                 {5,300,4000,4000},
00635                                                                 {4,0,0,4000},
00636                                                                 {5,300,0,4000},
00637                                                                 {4,0,0,0},
00638                                                                 {5,300,0,0},
00639                                                                 {6,80,0,0},
00640                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00641                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00642                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00643                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00644                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00645                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00646 */
00647 /*
00648 // sequence array initialized for a 10m straight forward
00649 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,50,0,0},
00650                                                                 {5,300,0,10000},
00651                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00652                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00653                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00654                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00655                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00656                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00657                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00658                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00659                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00660                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00661                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00662                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00663                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00664                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00665 */
00666 /*
00667 // sequence array initialized for a RTC 10m diagonal
00668 int SchedValues[16][4]= {               {6,100,0,0},
00669                                                                 {4,0,7200,7200},
00670                                                                 {5,300,7200,7200},
00671                                                                 {4,0,0,0},
00672                                                                 {5,300,0,0},
00673                                                                 {3,0,0,0},
00674                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00675                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00676                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00677                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00678                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00679                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00680                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00681                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00682                                                                 {0,0,0,0},
00683                                                                 {0,0,0,0} };
00684 */
00686 volatile int RtTimer;                           // real time delay using T1 timer
00687 #define RT_TIMER_FLAG VARbits1.bit10     // real time timer enable
00688 #define TIMER_OK_FLAG VARbits1.bit9      // time elapsed 
00689 #define SCHEDULER_FLAG VARbits1.bit5 // enable scheduler [32a]
00691 // dist in cm from objects on the three sides
00692 unsigned int Obj[3] = {0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000};
00693 unsigned char Target[3] = {0, 0, 0};//highest sensor value on the three sides
00694 volatile unsigned int RndTimer=0;// Timer for randomly avoid central obstacles
00695 #define RND_TIMEOUT 100         // 100 * 50ms = 5 seconds
00696 #define RND_FLAG VARbits1.bit4 // randomly decide in which direction to turn
00698 // simulated EEPROM data addresses [33]
00699 #define EE_KVEL1_H 0
00700 #define EE_KVEL1_L 1
00701 #define EE_KVEL2_H 2
00702 #define EE_KVEL2_L 3
00703 #define EE_CHK_KVEL 4
00705 #define EE_ANGLE_KP 5   
00706 #define EE_ANGLE_KI 6           
00707 #define EE_ANGLE_KD 7
00708 #define EE_CHK_ANGLE 8
00710 #define EE_KP1 9
00711 #define EE_KI1 10
00712 #define EE_KD1 11
00713 #define EE_KP2 12
00714 #define EE_KI2 13
00715 #define EE_KD2 14
00716 #define EE_CHK_SPEED 15
00718 #define EE_KSP1_H 16
00719 #define EE_KSP1_L 17
00720 #define EE_KSP2_H 18
00721 #define EE_KSP2_L 19
00722 #define EE_AXLE_H 20
00723 #define EE_AXLE_L 21
00724 #define EE_CHK_MECH 22
00726 #define EE_DIST_KP 23   
00727 #define EE_DIST_KI 24           
00728 #define EE_DIST_KD 25
00729 #define EE_CHK_DIST 26
00731 #define EE_CHK_SCHED 27
00732 #define EE_SCHED 28     // starting address for 128 locations
00734 unsigned char ResetCount = 0;   // [28]
00736 // VARbits2.bit0 and up available
00737 // VOLbits1.bit9 and up available
00739 /* Definitions end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
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